180 degree, 3D video for consumers comes to VR with Lucidcam

180 degree, 3D video for consumers comes to VR with Lucidcam

Hello listeners! On today’s show I speak with Han and Jason from Lucidcam. Lucidcam gives you the ability to record 180 degree 3D video and be able to experience it in VR with an HMD.
Here is a snippet of some of the things we talked about.20 : What is Lucidcam?

1:40 What makes Lucidcam different

3:50 What you get from Lucidcam that you can’t get anywhere else.

7:30 Live life through the eyes of others.

8:30 Who is type of person that will be the adopter of Lucidcam.Why target the consumer industry?

12:00 The end user experience for Lucidcam.

15:03 The different monetization of avenues of Lucidcam and consumers.

16:30 How to compete with China when making VR hardware. Turning Lucidcam into a wearable.

18:30 Is project Tango a competitor to Lucidcam?

22:20 What kind of format is Lucidcam video in? How to edit videos from Lucidcam. Check out Coloreyes.

24:50 What does VR mean to Han and Jason?

31:10 What are the challenges/weaknesses of 180 degree videos.

34:20 Sharing on the go, quick experiences with people.

35:20 What will be the price of a Lucidcam?

37:00 Getting the 3D camera market to compete with the 2D Camera market.

39:00 VR will give people more free time.

40:00 Looking for hardware,software and computer vision people.

42:00 Using software to create better videos.

44:30 What is the origin story behind Lucidcam?

49:20 Why VR?

53:00 Will you ever be able to feel empathy machine?

55:00 What its like to be an entrepreneur in Silicon Valley.

1:00:00 Life is not linear.

1:02:00 How to balance having a plan while also accepting the non linear aspects of reality.

1:05:00 Is there a type of person that gets the most funding?

1:09:00 Will you be able to live stream your Lucidcam experiences?

1:11:00 Conclusions and final thoughts.

Thanks to Han and Jason for being scholars and gentlemen of virtual reality and thank you for listening.

Find out more about Lucidcam with the links below:




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