Using virtual reality to do positive things for society

Using virtual reality to do positive things for society



Hello listeners!

Welcome to another exciting episode of EnterVR!

Are you working on a VR experience aimed at helping people and do social good? If so, please get in touch with Renée Frissen. Renée is founder of SocialTech, an up and coming start up company based in Amsterdam with the mission to help developers bring their technology to the Dutch and possibly European market. Renée is traveling the world to build a portfolio of awesome social tech startups, and currently she is located in San Francisco. Find out how by getting in touch with Renée at:

Twitter handle: @SocTechEU

 Or the email:

On today’s show, Renee and I spoke about the positive impacts of virtual reality for society, how to bring more women in to the VR community, Virtual reality criminality like pedophilia and saving humanity from climate change using virtual reality.

Thanks again to my wonderful guest for being a true scholar and lady of virtual reality.

Thank you for listening!

EnterVR is also available on Itunes Stitcher radio for Android by typing ‘entervr’ in the search bar.


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