Discussing kickstarter, Virtualizer sdk and the future of locomotion in VR with...

Discussing kickstarter, Virtualizer sdk and the future of locomotion in VR with Cyberith


On today’s show I speak with Tuncay Cakmak, Philipp Berdenis Van Berlekom and Lukas Pfeihofer, together they are part of a cool company from Austria called Cyberith. Cyberith is at the forefront of creating a locomotion solution for virtual reality spaces. They’ve built the Virtualizer which has been successfully funded on kickstarter and it allows its user the ability to physically run, walk, jump, crouch and even sit with the same device.


If you are checking out this podcast before August 31st 2014, be sure to checkout Cyberith’s kickstarter page.
Here is a preview of what we talked about:

1:15. Cyberith has become the fastest Austrian company to reach a kickstarter goal.

2:30 What the response been like for the Kickstarter.

3:02 What is the Virtualizer? A quick introduction to Cyberith’s product.

5:15 How did Cyberith come up with its low friction solution? What was the process of testing it out?

6:50 How much friction is just the right amount of friction?

8:00 The software behind the Virtualizers SDK.

9:28 Getting already existing content to work with the virualizer.

11:49 Speaking about Cyberith’s developer program.

13:47 The Virtualizer’s latency.

14:20 Cyberith’s ultimate vision/goals.

15:50 The virtualizer’s applications outside of gaming.

19:03 The obstacles of using an HMD and a virtualzer for fitness applications.

22:00 Opinions on not having full 360 tracking with DK2.

23:50 Getting a virtualizer to work with Morpheus?

25:14 The team’s impressions of the Valve VR prototype.

27:47 What it’s like to be developing virtual reality hardware?

35:00 A glimpse into the investment community in Austria.

37:08 Could the Virtualizer help in bringing back gaming arcades?

39:30 E-sports and the Virtualizer?

40:30 Is there an ideal input device that can go hand in hand with the Virtualizer?

43:50 How long before mobile VR catches up to desktop VR?
45:39 Guesses and estimations on first year sales of CV1.

51:20 What will VR turn into? What will it look like in the future?

57:30 How will VR change us; as individuals and collectively?
59:50 Closing thoughts

For more information on Cyberith checkout the links below:





For more information on the Cyberith SDK send an email to the following address:

Thanks again to my guests for being true scholars and gentlemen of virtual reality.

Thank you for listening!


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