Synthesis Universe is the embodiment of a poetic mind through virtual reality

Synthesis Universe is the embodiment of a poetic mind through virtual reality


Hello listerners! Welcome to the EnterVR podcast. On today’s show I speak with Olivier JT, the creator of Synthesis Universe. Come along as we discuss creating virtual worlds that are artistically uncompromising, the many reactions to Synthesis Universe and the grand 10 year vision for this project.

But wait! there’s more! Check out the preview below to see what else we talked about:

40: intro

1:20 Checking out meetups in California, Seattle and Vancouver

2:40 What is Synthesis Universe?

4:40 Why go full time developing for VR.

5:50 Adapting to the rapidly changing VR industry landscape.

9:00 Creating a huge labyrinth in VR.

12:40 Tapping into the masochistic part of the gamer brain.

14:00 The grand vision for Synthesis Universe

20:00 Making different types of games within Synthesis Universe.

22:40 The inspiration behind Synthesis Universe

25:20 Olivier’s typical work day. How to get things done.

30:10 Experiencing Journey for PSN and how it will make you cry.

32:30 The visual design of Synthesis Universe

37:00 When the Synthesis Universe demo will be released. No gamepad support for Synthesis Universe.

40:00 Good enough input and the ideal goal.

41:10 Olivier’s past, present and future challenges.

47:00 Using Unreal Engine 4 to build Synthesis Universe.

51:00 How Synthesis Universe will be remembered 10 years from today?

53:20 Will procedural systems be incorporated?

55:00 Olivier’s experience with Oculus, Sony and Samsung.

59:00 Demoing Synthesis Universe. Converting the non believers

1:02:30 The different reactions to the Synthesis Universe demo.

1:07:00 How to get investors to invest in VR?

1:15:00 Living 1,000 years

1:19:00 The beauty of the VR community.

1:21:00 Will VR be a net positive for mankind ?

1:24:40 How will VR change us?

1:28:00 Manifesting oneself through the creation of a virtual world.

Thanks to Olivier for being a true scholar and gentleman of virtual reality and thank you for listening.

Keep in touch with Olivier with the links below:–maze–intro-experience—intro-experience–

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