A conversation with Sky Nite a VR entrepreneur and author of virtual...

A conversation with Sky Nite a VR entrepreneur and author of virtual reality insider


Hello listeners! Welcome to the EnterVR podcast! On today’s show I am joined by the author of “Virtual Reality Insider” and an up and coming VR entrepreneur Sky Nite. Come along as we peer into mind of Sky!

1:00 Intro. Creating a VR game studio.

1:30 What got Sky interested in Virtual Reality.

3:00 Sky’s first experience with DK1.

6:00 What did the sensation of “presence” feel like for Sky?

8:00 How do you get people excited about VR without overhyping the technology? How do you describe something that words cannot encapsulate?

10:00 Projections for first year sale across all VR platforms?

13:00 What does user engagement hinge on?

15:00 How much will the average VR consumer spend in a year?

18:00 How can you be a part of the VR movement?

20:00 What is the thing the VR industry needs the most of at this point?

22:00 What motivates Sky to work in VR?

25:00 How do we enhance the collective consciousness of humanity?

32:00 What does it mean to be smart?

33:00 How will VR help you learn faster?

37:00 What will VR look like 15 to 20 years from now?

40:00 Should we bring back the Neanderthal?

44:00 How to stay in touch and closing thoughts.

Thanks to Sky for being a true scholar and gentleman of virtual reality and thank you for listening.

Keep in touch with the links below:




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