Creating a free and open metaverse with Tony Parisi

Creating a free and open metaverse with Tony Parisi


Hello everyone! Welcome to another episode of the Enter VR podcast. On today’s show I speak with Tony Parisi on creating accessible tools for people to create 3D content on the web, the future of the metaverse, porting over your Unity/UE4 content to the web and much more!

Check out a quick preview of what we talked about below:

30: How Tony has been involved in VR over the years.

1:36 The factors that made VR impossible in the early 90’s

2:25 What’s different this time around for virtual reality.

4:10 What is GLAM?

7:40 How to get started with GLAM.

11:01 What will it take for GLAM to reach great heights

12:00 The allure of VR.

16:13 What will the Metaverse look like 5 to 10 years from now.

17:00 Balancing a free and open metaverse with the need to make money.

19:44 Using M-Scriptten to transfer your UNITY and UE4 experiences to the Web.

22:40 The state of the input for VR and what would be Tony’s ideal input device.

25:26 Deep VR simulations and militarizing telerobotics.

26:55 How far away are we from haptics?

28:01 What could slow down VR?

29:31 How will VR be remembered 50 years from now?

31:28 Closing thoughts and how to stay in touch with Tony

Thanks again to Tony for being a true scholar and gentleman of virtual reality and thank you for listening!

Get in touch with Tony with the links below:
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