Kite and Lightning is revolutionizing digital entertainment through virtual reality

Kite and Lightning is revolutionizing digital entertainment through virtual reality


Hello listeners!

On today’s show I speak with Ikrima ElHassan and John Starr Dewar from Kite and Lightning, an up and coming virtual reality software company that is set to take the lunch money of Disneyland and Movie theaters with their next generation virtual reality experiences.

Come along as we disscuss: The origins of Kite and lightning. The decision making process behind the creation of Sensa Pezo. Incorporating game play and interactive elements into different projects going forward. The challenges of creating narrative experiences in virtual reality. Capturing human memories and experiences inside the metaverse to create an artificial consciousness that can outlive your physical body. Cloning my dog. Going to work inside VR via “virtual office spaces”. Placing bets on year 1 consumer version world wide sales for the Rift and much more!

Thanks again to Ikrima and John for being true scholars and gentlemen of virtual reality!

To keep in touch and follow up on what they’ve been up to, check out the links below:

Thanks for listening!

EnterVR is also on Stitcher and Itunes by typing EnterVR in the search bar.

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