Otherworld is bringing imaginative and fun VR content to mass consumers

Otherworld is bringing imaginative and fun VR content to mass consumers


Hello listeners! Welcome to the Enter VR podcast. On today’s show I speak with the team from Otherworld interactive. Otherworld is creating VR content for mass consumers and they are developing for desktop and mobile vr.

Here is a snippet

40: Introduction to OtherWorld, how Otherworld came about.

3:31 How do people at the MXR see themselves these days?

4:40 Why would VR succeed this time around?

6:30 How will take the bulk of the market share in the long run? Desktop or Mobile VR?

9:20 What sets Otherworld apart from other studios creating VR content?

12:20 Otherworld’s production process.

15:00 Can you bring your video game industry experience to VR and be successful?

18:00 Nailing down the locomotion issue in VR? Is the solution in hardware or software?

20:00 Is there a fine line between showing delightful experiences and hand holding users? Ready Player Spoiler Alert.

23:00 Galvanic Vestibular stimulation should be fair game in the future.

25:30 Goals for the future. Creating the Wii Sports of VR.

28:00 Using VR to tell people stories without saying a single word.

32:30 Wrestling with creative values and the need to make money.

35:30 Audio is just as important for VR game design as visuals. Discussing the future of audio for VR developers.

40:00 What happens to smaller VR developers when the big publishers get in the game. What does the return on investment look like for vr content?

44:00 Would Otherworld allow themselves get acquired by a bigger publisher?

46:00 What motivates the team to stay working in VR?

51:00 Getting a blowjob at 3pm on a Sunday in San Francisco.

52:00 Can you prove to me that we are not in simulation right now?

54:00 AR and VR will change the way we experience reality.

Thanks again to Robyn, Andy and Mike for being true scholars and lady/gentlemen of virtual reality and thank you for listening.

Follow up with the team with the links below:




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