Radial G is breaking all the VR game design rules and getting...

Radial G is breaking all the VR game design rules and getting away with it


Hello listeners!

On today’s show, I speak with Sam Watts a game producer/community manager behind Radial G, a game that puts you in the cockpit of a high speed futuristic racing game.

On today’s show, Sam shares with me his personal experience working in the games industry, how Radial G was birthed ,the secret sauce behind what makes Radial G not a dizzying experience. We also discuss the challenges facing Oculus in getting a CV1 that is accessible to casual crowds, the role of kickstarter as a tool to get VR projects off the ground, the impacts of a widespread fiber Internet network with 4 billion+ users on our economy and society.

Thanks again to Sam for being a true scholar and gentleman of virtual reality. For more information on Radial G, check out the links below:





Thank you for listening!

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