Tags Posts tagged with "dara bonakdar"

dara bonakdar


Hello and welcome to a very special episode of the Enter VR podcast! On this episode I’m joined by my friends Dara Bonakdar, James Blaha, Steve Gehrman and Eric. Come along as we discuss a whole range of topics.

Here is snippet of some of the things we talked about :

1:00 Recap of CES. (please don’t sue me Christopher Nolan!)

5:00 Quad copter taxis are coming.

9:00 Hunting down drones with drones will become a business.

11:00 Grandmas can’t compete with VR porn reactions on youtube.

12:50 It doesn’t matter whether this reality is a simulation or not.

16:00 CV2 of the Rift and Vive will have AR capabilities.

20:00 Discussion on the price of the Rift.

48:00 A hand job is still a job. Virtual reality brothels will be a thing one day.

56:00 Which HMD is the most comfortable?

1:02:00 Will Android win the VR race in the long run?

1:13:00 Get ready for the self driving car economy.

1:43:00 The hidden reason why Foveated rendering is important.

Thanks to Steve, Erick, Dara and James for being true scholars and gentlemen of virtual reality and thank you for listening!

Follow up with the links below:








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Hello and welcome to Enter VR!

On this episode I speak with Dara Bonakdar. Dara is the founder of Jahan, a platform that will allow you to visit the world’s museums and heritage sites with Virtual reality. Come along as we discuss the future challenges of VR, finding the money in the art world and cracking an egg with one’s buttocks.

Here is a snippet of the first ten minutes of one my favorite conversations yet:

1:00 The best bison burger in the world is in the middle of the California woods.

2:00 How Dara got involved in VR in the first place.

5:00 What will happen to tour guide jobs once VR museums become mainstream?

8:00 How Jahan will make profits.

10:00 How to find the ‘money’ in the art world?

Thanks very much to Dara for being a true scholar and gentleman of virtual reality and thank you for listening!

Follow up with Dara with the links below:



Also, thanks to James Blaha for letting me use his Tupac mix for the intro of this show. Find the song at his profile page:

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