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NOTE: This episode was recorded 48 hours before the Darkfield team successfully met their kickstarter goal. If you are listening within days of this show being published there is still time help!

Hello listeners! On today’s show I speak with Mark Schramm from Darkfield. We discussed kickstarter, game design and Battle Star Galactica. Here is a preview of some of the things we discussed:
1:30 Current progress on Darkfield and what it is.

2:30 Why 10,000 dollars for the kickstarter.

3:30 Can there ever be too many space shooters?

5:40 Why make a co-op game for VR in the first place.

7:50 Will Darkfield include leaderboards?

9:30 The inspiration for Darkfield.

10:55 Why you should watch Battlestar Galactica

13:00 The reasoning behind space ship designs.

14:10 The number of players per map.

14:45 Quantifying the scale of the maps.

16:30 The background setting for the conflict in the game.

18:30 What does VR add to the experience?

19:45 The types of weapons that Darkfield will come with.

21:35 The most pressing technical challenges for Darkfield. The importance of a proper user interface.

25:35 Why floating menus are not ideal for Darkfield.

26:30 The challenges with input.

30:20 Will the space wars of the future be fought by humans?

32:29 Will humans ever get to a point where they can have a permanent presence in outer space.

36:20 The goal of Darkfield.

38:15 The challenges of creating a game that works on desktop and VR.

41:10 What happens if Darkfield gets funded? What’s the plan if it does not.

43:35 The approximate pricing of the retail game.

44: 50 The amount of maps available at launch. The replay value of Darkfield.

45:30 The variability of map design in a space setting.

46:25 Including teamspeak in the game.

48:32 Closing thoughts and how to stay in touch.
Thanks again to Mark for being a true scholar and gentleman of virtual reality and thanks for listening.

Keep in touch with Darkfield with the links below:






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