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Hello and welcome to the EnterVR podcast! On today’s I speak with MindVR, a startup putting together 360 video experiences.

Here is a snippet of some of the things we talked about:

4:00 Intro. What is MindVR?

6:00 What is the allure of 360 videos?

9:30 How MindVR plans on improving on the 360 video technology.

13:00 What sets MindVR apart from the competition?

15:00 Lessons learned thus far. Figuring out what works?

18:00 Analyzing the merits of the competition.

25:00 What does the production pipeline look like?

28:00 How does the business model scale up?

33:00 How much to charge for 360 video content?

33:00 What is the thing that people want to do the most when the experience 360 video experiences?

36:00 What is the “Machine” being built by HP?

37:00 Is adult entertainment in the horizon for Mind VR?

39:00 CG story telling experiences vs. 360 videos?

43:00 Bringing Mystery Science 3000 to virtual reality.

45:00 Closing thoughts.

Thanks again to Phillippe, Guy and Dave for being scholars and gentlemen of virtual reality.

Get more info on MindVR with the links below:



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Come hang out the San Francisco Metaverse Scholars club meetup!

Exploring VR outside gaming and surviving the first year of consumer VR

Tuesday, Feb 17, 2015, 6:00 PM

pivotal labs
875 Howard St San Francisco, CA

53 Scholars Went

Hello fellow scholars of the Proto Metaverse! This month’s event we are bringing to you a special night filled with demos, a great panel and awesome people to meet.Join us as we peek inside the minds of Manish Gupta, James Blaha from ApolloVR , Tony Parisi founder at Third Eye and Matt Bell founder at Matterport. The panel will be moderated by Cr…

Check out this Meetup →