Tags Posts tagged with "svvr 2015"

svvr 2015

An image from the GDC VR mixer put together by SFVR and SVVR

Hello listeners! Welcome to the EnterVR podcast! On today’s show I speak with Karl Krantz about organizing the largest virtual reality industry conference in the world, the creation of an emotionally intelligent metaverse and drone taxis of the future.

1:00 What is the worst thing that could happen to VR right now?

2:30 The general sentiment of the VR industry at this point.

4:00 John Carmack’s prediction for the gaming industry in the next 10 years. What can you afford with a billion dollar VR production.

6:00 Envisioning an emotionally intelligent metaverse.

9:20 What will make people come back to virtual reality?

12:00 What will be the killer app for VR?

14:00 User generated VR vs. content creator centric VR experiences.

16:30 Figuring out “discovery” for user generated vr content.

18:00 How Valve came out of the blue with an HMD.

22:00 What is the most important feature the consumer GearVR needs to have.

24:00 Using Samsung Smart Waches as input for GearVR.

24:30 Seeing miniature worlds in VR.

28:00 Trying out Tiltbrush with the Vive.

29:30 SVVR expo is right around the corner!

32:00 Will HTC Vive, Crescent Bay and Morpheus be present at SVVR?

33:00 Keeping up with the exponential growth of SVVR.

34:00 Important companies will be making big announcements at the conference.

35:00 There will be a VR museum exhibit at the conference this year.

39:00 The lessons learned from putting on massive VR conferences.

40:30 Volunteer at SVVR and get in for FREE.

43:00 Drone taxi services, will replace car taxis in the future.

47:00 What happens when you pair exponential technologies with other exponential technologies?

Thanks again to Karl for being a true scholar and gentleman of virtual reality and thank you for listening!

Keep in touch and get more info with the links below:





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