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Virtual reality talk show


Welcome to the Enter VR podcast! On this episode we are joined by Az Balabanian from the Research VR podcast. Check out the show notes below to get a preview of what we talked about.

1:00 Reminiscing the good ol days and 100 vr hour project

2:30 What keeps Az busy these days.

5:00 The dynamics of doing a podcast in VR with Bigscreen VR.

7:00 Shopping around for the right social VR world to host a talk show.

11:00 Enter VR dance crew is on the way.

12:40 Recalling playing vr games and experiences these days.

16:00 VR environments can have a real effect on you?

27:00 Could VR environments be designed to minimize trolling and bad behavior?

35:00 Self policing communities can actually happen in VR

37:00 What is the current state of photogammetry?

43:30 What is the difference between lightfields vs. photogammetry ?

49:00 Is lightfield technology dead?

51:00 Can you pay your rent just by doing work with photogammetry?

54:00 What are LIDAR cameras?

59:00 Who will win? Spinning lasers or machine vision for VR tracking?

1:03:30 How long will it take for VR to leave the trough of disillusionment. How do you make money VR right now while anticipating where the future will be?

1:09:00 Reflecting on the impact Ready Player One can have on the current state of the industry.

1:14:30 Trying out the Varjo headset and the potential it will have on the industry.

1:19:00 How far away are we from a complete 5G connected future?

1:23:00 The existential potential and threat of eye tracking technology.

1:28:00 Trying to wrap our minds our around the current state of social media.

1:35:00 How to stay in touch Az and closing thoughts.

Thanks to Az for being a true scholar and gentleman of virtual reality and thank you for listening!

Check out the links below to get in touch Az:



The song from the intro is Remix of the Legend Zelda’s Song of Storms by Deon Custom

Please support the artist!


Hello and welcome to a very special episode of the Enter VR podcast! On this episode I’m joined by my friends Dara Bonakdar, James Blaha, Steve Gehrman and Eric. Come along as we discuss a whole range of topics.

Here is snippet of some of the things we talked about :

1:00 Recap of CES. (please don’t sue me Christopher Nolan!)

5:00 Quad copter taxis are coming.

9:00 Hunting down drones with drones will become a business.

11:00 Grandmas can’t compete with VR porn reactions on youtube.

12:50 It doesn’t matter whether this reality is a simulation or not.

16:00 CV2 of the Rift and Vive will have AR capabilities.

20:00 Discussion on the price of the Rift.

48:00 A hand job is still a job. Virtual reality brothels will be a thing one day.

56:00 Which HMD is the most comfortable?

1:02:00 Will Android win the VR race in the long run?

1:13:00 Get ready for the self driving car economy.

1:43:00 The hidden reason why Foveated rendering is important.

Thanks to Steve, Erick, Dara and James for being true scholars and gentlemen of virtual reality and thank you for listening!

Follow up with the links below:








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Hello listerners!

On today’s show I speak with Gunter S. Thompson the host of Virtually Incorrect, on using voice control interfaces in VR, how to stay in VR for as long as possible without breaks, discussing Ready Player One, the story behind Virtually Correct and will we ever see Half Life 3?

For more information on Gunter and his show Virtually Incorrect, check out the links below:





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