The endless possibilities of social VR with Ruuubick from Altspace

The endless possibilities of social VR with Ruuubick from Altspace


Hello and welcome to Enter VR. Come scuba dive with us inside the mind of Ruuubick a virtual reality community builder and social vr expert.

Here is a snippet of some of the things we talked about:

2:00 The legend of Ruuubick origin story.

9:00 Skipping final exams to hang out with Palmer in VRChat.

13:00 Spending $400 dollars without hesitation for a device that would take months to arrive.

17:00 The difference between VR and 2D screens. Are there words that can encapsulate what VR feels like?

19:00 Ruuubick’s vision of the future of VR.

20:00 Discussing the Time Magazine cover.

23:00 Struggling with the duality of virtual reality.

30:00 Ruuubick is waiting for the billion dollar VR MMO RPG game.

Check out Log Horizon. Its has more likeable characters than Sword Art Online

33:00 What does Ruuubick see himself doing in the future.

36:00 Ruuubick is coming to SVVR in 2016. How VR saved Ruuu’s life.

39:00 Social VR is asking the following question: “Where is everybody?”

42:00 How can social VR be successful?

45:00 Is VR inherently more expensive to build than legacy paradigm 3D software?

47:00 Dropping pins inside virtual worlds with the ability to comment in order to provide better feedback for developers?

50:00 Is there enough information out there for vr developers?

52:40 HTC Vive lighthouse vs. Oculus’ tracking solution.

55:00 Eye tracking allows you to see inside the souls of users through their VR avatars.

58:00 Something went wrong here with my mic. My apologies.

1:02:00 ID MCGregor’s article on Volumetric Representations.
I’ve stopped

1:05:00 That fucking dude.

1:09:00 We’re all assholes.

1:10:00 Preventing toxicity of trolling in vr communities will make or break your business.

1:16:00 Banning people from your virtual world is not an easy choice to make.

1:18:00 Social VR is about making people feel safe to be themselves.

1:20:00 How will the current social VR apps compete with the upcoming Facebook Social VR platform?

1:25:00 Looking at the bright side of the corporate takeover of VR.

1:26:00 Making sure consumers understand that VR can be used for more than just gaming.

1:28:00 Using comedy to conquer the hearts and minds of people.

1:30:00 Alien Isolation is amazing.

1:33:00 What is the formula for giving users euphoria in VR.

1:37:00 Ruuubick is hopefully coming to SVVR next year.

1:39:00 What do we get from Meatspace that VR will never provide?

1:40:00 Tourism agencies need to harness VR’s capabilities.

1:44:00 Can VR affect our every day psychology?

1:52:00 If you look good you feel good. What will evolve past human?

2:00:00 VR is removing every day life burdens and hassles. What Burdens and hassles will come from VR?

2:08:00 How would reputation based economies work out in virtual worlds?

2:15:00 Lame and un-interesting attractive people will have to adapt to VR worlds in new ways.

2:18:00 Closing thoughts.

Thanks again to Ruuubick for being a true scholar and gentleman of virtual reality and thank you for listening!

Keep in touch with Ruuubick with the links below:


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The song at the intro was courtesy of WhiteBear. Check him out on Soundcloud! Its called Primal Stomp

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