The holy grail of computer graphics and rendering the metaverse contest with...

The holy grail of computer graphics and rendering the metaverse contest with Jules Urbach the founder of OTOY


Hello ladies and gentleman of the proto metaverse! Welcome to another episode of Enter VR podcast. On today’s show I speak with Jules Urbach, the founder and CEO of OTOY. Come along as we learn about rendering hyper realistic human skin, the race to cross the uncanny valley and more!

1:00 What is OTOY?

3:30 What is the holy grail of photorealism?

8:00 Why is human skin so difficult to nail in computer graphics?

11:00 Is there a race to cross the uncanny valley?

16:00 Is it technically possible to do a full length movie without cameramen ? (only using light stage technology)

18:00 Talking about Render the Metaverse contest.

28:00 The criteria for winning the “Render the Metaverse” contest.

33:00 In what scenarios would we not want hyper realism?

38:00 How to stay in touch and closing thoughts

Thanks again to Jules for being a true scholar and gentleman of virtual reality and thank you for listening.

Keep in touch and find out more about OTOY with the links below:

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