Funding the Creation of the VR Metaverse with Founders and VC

Funding the Creation of the VR Metaverse with Founders and VC


Welcome to the EnterVR podcast! Today’s show will be very special. In a cross collaborative effort with the Silicon Valley Founders and VC community we have gathered a panel of Venture Capitalist and Founders in VR. Come along as we figure out how to accelerate the growth of the virtual reality industry/community.

Here is a preview of some of the things we talked about.

(we will make sure to have a Mic prepped for the audience during the Q&A session next time around)

1:00 Introductions

3:00 Why are they interested in VR in the first place?

9:00 How do you convince VCs that are on the fence about VR?

13:00 What will it take for VR to go from enthusiasts to the mass market?

21:00 What is the Achilles heel of virtual reality?

25:30 If I am a founder, what do I need to do to impress an investor interested in vr?

29:00 What does success look like for VR in the first year of release of CV1?

32:00 What mentality should I be in If I want to invest in vr?

36:00 What do VCs stand to gain if VR become successful? What is at stake?

42:00 How will our socio economic structures adapt to the AI economy? Do we need to create a Metaverse?

45:Can they prove to me that we are not in a simulation?


48:00 Are they investing in open web platforms?

50:00 How can investors expect quality VR content but you need investment to some extent to create quality VR? Catch 22 of investing in the industry.

51:20 Does AR pose a threat to VR?
The limitations of AR.

54:00 Is there a bubble in VR? Are there aspects of the industry that have been over invested in?

57:00 How can we create immersive experiences without HMDs?

Thanks again to :

Jay Zhao
Cliff Plumber
Chris Hollenbeck
Morgan Holland
Tipatat Chennavasin

For being true scholar and gentlemen of virtual reality and thank you for listening!!

Big thanks to all the VR companies that came to demo at the event.

Find out more about the event with the link below:

Founders & VC – Funding the Creation of the Virtual Reality Metaverse

Monday, Jan 26, 2015, 6:00 PM

Pivotal Labs
875 Howard Street 5th Floor San Francisco, CA

193 Founders & VC Went

This month, we bring to you some exciting VR startups as well as investors who have funded the creation of the Metaverse. Be prepared to try some of the best and latest demos from up to 10 virtual reality startups around Silicon Valley :)Join us, as we peek inside the minds of Cliff Plumer, an early investor in Oculus Rift, Chris Hollenbeck from …

Check out this Meetup →

Special thanks to audio engineer Robert Z for handling the audio set up like a 10th degree black belt in the audio arts.

Get in touch with Robert here:

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