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Karl Krantz


Welcome to Enter VR! Featuring Karl Krantz from Silicon Vallley Virtual Reality (SVVR).
Check out the show notes below to preview what we talked about.

1:00 Karl’s thoughts on OLED micro displays.

3:00 Impressions of the Vive Pro.

3:30 Vive Pro’s comfort factor.

5:00 What’s going on with the Knuckles controllers?

6:50 www.roadtovr.com/4-most-important…akdown-analysis/

7:20 Vive Focus vs. Google Mirage vs. Oculus Go. .

11:00 Where are all the triple A VR games in 2018?

16:30 Stories from the VR frontline (Sparc, VRchat)

19:30 VR dancing is a thing!

25:00 Communities self policing in VRchat

27:00 Which social VR space will be the next “Second Life”?

32:00 GDC VR Mixer details

36:00 2018 SVVR expo details

38:00 SVVR has a new headquarters!

43:00 What do the VR communities in South Korea and Japan look like?

47:00 Thoughts on Ready Player One

49:00 What is the state of virtual reality as it stands today?

52:00 Taking the time to reflect on the implications of the decisions we make with technology.

57:00 Struggling with social media

1:0030 How to stay in touch with Karl

Thanks again to Karl for being a true scholar and gentleman of virtual reality and thank you for listening!

Get in touch with Karl with the links below:




Intro song:

My Neighbor Totoro – Chillhop Remix

An image from the GDC VR mixer put together by SFVR and SVVR

Hello listeners! Welcome to the EnterVR podcast! On today’s show I speak with Karl Krantz about organizing the largest virtual reality industry conference in the world, the creation of an emotionally intelligent metaverse and drone taxis of the future.

1:00 What is the worst thing that could happen to VR right now?

2:30 The general sentiment of the VR industry at this point.

4:00 John Carmack’s prediction for the gaming industry in the next 10 years. What can you afford with a billion dollar VR production.

6:00 Envisioning an emotionally intelligent metaverse.

9:20 What will make people come back to virtual reality?

12:00 What will be the killer app for VR?

14:00 User generated VR vs. content creator centric VR experiences.

16:30 Figuring out “discovery” for user generated vr content.

18:00 How Valve came out of the blue with an HMD.

22:00 What is the most important feature the consumer GearVR needs to have.

24:00 Using Samsung Smart Waches as input for GearVR.

24:30 Seeing miniature worlds in VR.

28:00 Trying out Tiltbrush with the Vive.

29:30 SVVR expo is right around the corner!

32:00 Will HTC Vive, Crescent Bay and Morpheus be present at SVVR?

33:00 Keeping up with the exponential growth of SVVR.

34:00 Important companies will be making big announcements at the conference.

35:00 There will be a VR museum exhibit at the conference this year.

39:00 The lessons learned from putting on massive VR conferences.

40:30 Volunteer at SVVR and get in for FREE.

43:00 Drone taxi services, will replace car taxis in the future.

47:00 What happens when you pair exponential technologies with other exponential technologies?

Thanks again to Karl for being a true scholar and gentleman of virtual reality and thank you for listening!

Keep in touch and get more info with the links below:





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On today’s show I’m Joined by Karl Krantz and Cymatic Bruce to talk about a year in recap, predicting the future and how vr will change what it means to be human.

Thanks so much to Bruce and Karl for being true scholars and gentlemen of virtual reality and thank very much for listening to this show.

Happy new year!


[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/183973643″ params=”color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]


Hello listeners! On today’s show I speak with Karl Krantz the creator of the Silicon Valley Virtual Reality Conference and Meetup events. We spoke about bringing the Oculus Crescent Bay prototype to the holiday party (skip to the last 12 minutes of the show), anticipating the potential consequences of an artificial intelligence economy, virtual reality pornography and much more

Here is a preview of some of the things we talked about:

22: Intro, what’s been keeping Karl busy.

1:00 The next SVVR conference.

1:40 How does Karl keep up with VR news?

2:22 Finding a bigger home for SVVR.

3:40 How has the community changed since its early days?

5:30 Is Karl still encountering VR skeptics in Silicon Valley?

7:00 What is the most used argument used by skeptics?

10:20 Will there be people who will choose the metaverse over reality? Is that good or bad?

11:30 Could VR sex become so good that it could slow down population growth?

13:00 Could VR solve the long distance love paradox?

15:40 Could VR porn exacerbate pre existing addictions to porn?

18:20 How can we prevent or anticipate the potentials problems of VR addiction?

20:16 Will the next Candy Crush of vr be too addicting?

22:00 The game theory challenges of putting together a code of ethics for the metaverse.

24:00 Creating a personal assistant/AI that will assist you in navigating the metaverse based on your biofeedback

26:00 Who will own your data in the metaverse?

27:00 Demoing a DK1 with eye tracking hacked into it.

30:00 Will we ever see ‘smell’ vr peripherals?

33:00 How will existing industries adapt when virtual reality starts eating its lunch money.

35:00 Will watching movies in VR on airplanes ever become a popular thing?

38:00 The true threat behind the AI economic revolution and how it will effect VR?

43:00 The creation of AI and VR will usher humanity into a new epoch.

44:00 The fragility of civilization.

46:00 Creating an economy inside the metaverse in order to provide a counterweight to the AI economic revolution.

51:00 Will everyone earn the same thing if we adopt cryptocurrency how will that look like ?

56:00 Karl’s impressions on the Samsung Gear.

1:00:20 Experiencing Chernobyl with Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 vs. Samsung Gear.

1:02:00 Is battery technology keeping up with the pace of Moore’s law?

1:04:40 The dangers of closed ecosystems and walled gardens when accessing the metaverse.

1:09:00 Will corporations kill the potential life changing properties of an open metaverse?

1:13:00 Are Facebook employees scared of coming to VR meetups?

1:14:00 The lessons Karl has learned since starting the meetup.

1:17:00 Not feeling so crazy once you find a VR community.

1:19:10 Learning to embrace new people coming into the VR community.

1:22:04 Dealing with impostor syndrome.

1:25:00 If money was not an issue, what are Karl’s plans to contribute to virtual reality.

1:28:00 Creating a physical space for SVVR, to incubate and accelarate VR companies.

1:29:00 The biggest challenges facing Karl.

1:31:00 Creating a virtual reality office to optimize productivity.

1:33:00 Tips and tricks from Karl to start a VR meetup.

1:36:20 If SFVR, SVVR, VRLA and NYCVR were ice cream, flavors what sort of ice cream flavors would they be.

1:41:00 What will come after VR? Is VR truly the final medium?

1:42:30 Karl Krantz predicted the future.

1:43:20 What is the worst thing that could happen to vr now?

1:46:00 Does Magic Leap warrant the hype behind it?

1:49:00 SVVR holiday party announcements. Ethereon, VR Chat and Crescent Bay will be making it out to the holiday party.

1:53:00 The first STEM from Sixense will be at the Holiday party.

1:56:00 Closing thoughts and how to stay in touch.

Thanks to Karl for being a true scholar and gentleman of virtual reality and thank you for listening.

Keep in touch with Karl with the links below.




[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/180043661″ params=”color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]


Welcome to EnterVR’s new year special!

Today I am joined by Karl Krantz and Cymatic Bruce. Come along as we talk about the historic year that 2013 was for virtual reality and the things we are most excited for in 2014.

Get in touch with Bruce and Karl with the links below!









Thank you so much for listening to EnterVR. Don’t forget to check out the subreddit(r/entervr) and stay in touch via twitter @entervr.


Happy New Year!

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/153665354″ params=”color=ff5500&auto_play=false&show_artwork=true&show_playcount=true&show_comments=true” width=”100%” height=”81″ iframe=”false” /]


Thank you for listening! On this episode I speak to Karl Krantz about the VR jam, Oculus going mobile, consoles response to VR and the future, future, future…

You can check out more information on the Silicon Valley Virtual Reality meetup at the link below:




Have any suggestions to make the show better? Want to come on the show? Shoot me an email at



Enjoy the show!


On today’s episode I interview Karl Krantz; entrepreneur, telepresence industry veteran and creator of the Silicon Valley Virtual Reality Meetup. For more information on Karl and what he is up to you can shoot him an email at:


For more information on the Silicon Valley Virtual Reality meetup, click on the link below.



Thank you for listening!