VR graphic novels, genetically engineering future children and the impacts of the...

VR graphic novels, genetically engineering future children and the impacts of the hive mind phenomena with Matt G


Hello listeners ! Welcome to the EnterVR podcast. On today’s show I speak with Matt G. Matt is creating a graphic novel that you can experience in VR. On top of that we discussed genetically engineering humans, hoverboards vs jetpacks and understanding the internet hive mind phenomena.

Here a preview of some of the things we talked about:

1:00 Creating a visual novel for VR.

1:30 Why create a visual novel in vr? What are the advantages of vr in this space?

3:00 Creating an immersive visual novel set in a Japanese Highschool.

4:00 Working around your limitations.

6:00 Why Sword Art Online does not click with me. The plot behind Sword Art Online.

8:00 What human fear is Sword Art Online trying to tap into?

9:00 Is there a fundamental human right to know whether you are in reality or not?

14:00 What will the virtual casino of 2040 look like? Will there be such a thing?

18:00 Why is Artificial Intelligence relevant to virtual reality?

23:00 Exploration the anti virtual reality point of view.

25:20 Elon Musks donates 10 Million dollars to the development of benevolent AI research.

28:00 Genetically engineering future humans?

34:00 Would you want to bring “smarter” kids to the world?

38:00 How to cope with becoming the parent of humanity’s next “Hitler”.

41:00 Is having sex with your own clone considered incest?

45:00 Does the construct of what we consider to be “normal” evolve over time?

49:00 How would a person from the 1950’s react to trying out Crescent bay? How would a person from the future react?

53:00 Creating sports that can only be played while riding Hendo Hoverboards?

58:00 Hyperloop vehicles that travel across the pacific ocean?

59:29 Open Source virtual reality vs. Close source virtual reality.

1:02:40 The pros and cons of closed source vs open source VR companies.

1:05:00 How long before Nintendo and Apple jump into the vr space?

1:07:00 What is Apple’s commitment to vr?

1:10:00 Is it fair to compare Oculus to Apple?

1:14:00 Trying to understand the hive mind.

1:19:00 How will virtual reality affect how the hivemind phenomena will evolve over time?

1:29:00 The political party based on the Bonobo relationship structure.

1:31:00 Using viruses to fight cancer.

1:38:00 Harnessing big data and AI to get real time analysis of our own bodies.

1:47:00 Giving society “happy pills”?

1:53:00 What is the smallest thing in the universe?

1:56:00 What is the underlying fear behind not uploading consciousness into a machine?

2:02:00 Are we alone in the universe?

2:13:00 How to counter balance the effects of the AI economy.

2:19:00 Final thoughts and how to stay in touch

Thanks again to Matt for being a true scholar and gentleman of virtual reality and thank you for listening.

Get in touch with Matt on reddit, he is :


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