Mixed in reality in the dawn of a new world order. A...

Mixed in reality in the dawn of a new world order. A conversation with Eric Johnson from Re/Code and Steve Gehrman from Distant Future


Welcome to another episode of Enter VR!Come along, as I speak with Eric Johnson the associate editor of mixed reality at Re/Code and Steve Gerhman a VR developer working on text input in virtual reality through Unreal Engine 4.

Here is a snippet of some of the things we talked about:

1:00 Intro

2:30 Eric’s rituals that get him ready for public appearances.

6:30 Getting people to overcome their everyday anxieties through VR?

7:30 Steve Joins the convo.

9:30 Do social connections need to happen organically in virtual spaces?

11:30 Vive Vs. Oculus. Which one has the best tracking solution?

14:00 Trying out the VRCADE experience at Dave and Buster’s.

17:15 The current state of the virtual reality industry according to Eric.

18:30 What needs to happen in order for VR to be successful.

19:30 How to keep people coming back to VR experiences. Do developers have to worry about the ethics of keeping people inside of VR for too long?

21:30 Which will pan out to be biggest flaw of VR in the long run…Its ability to isolate people or unknown health consequences with irresponsible use by consumers.

24:30 Why are we humans so compelled to look at screens constantly? What will come next after the screen?

27:30 Why user generated content platforms will be the killer apps of VR.

32:30 Creating music inside of virtual reality.

34:00 Injecting Deep dream into a 360 video.

34:30 Simulating an LSD experience using VR and transcranial direct current stimulation.

37:30 Dominating the world economy with a workforce powered by the coffee of the 21st century, TDCS.

39:00 The state of the wearable industry in relation to VR hmds.

40:40 If VR isn’t useful, it won’t be mainstream. Where the ultimate utility of VR really lies.

43:10 Disney World is experimenting with police state technology.

49:00 Will we ever see robot armies fighting on the behalf of billionaires?

51:30 Why Eric is not buying a Jeep. Balancing the pros and cons of self driving vehicles.

54:30 How will the sharing economy affect the capitalism we know of today? How will our concepts of property change over time.
“In the future you won’t have a job and everything will be cheap”.

57:30 How will the sharing economy morph our notions of the “American Dream”.\

1:00:30 Climate change is easier to solve than the San Francisco housing crisis. Eric’s path through journalism.

1:03:30 Eric’s biggest journalistic influences.

1:05:00 The state of tech journalism according to Eric.

1:06:00 How to balance between asking hard questions without losing your sources in journalism.

1:07:30 Eric’s feud with the Sony Morpheus team.

1:10:30 Making guesses on which platform will sell the most hmds after the first year of consumer VR.

1:13:30 Are there any Gear VR usage data? How much are people using their GearVRs?

1:20:30 Closing thoughts and how to stay in touch with Eric and Steve.

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Thanks again to Eric and Steve for being true scholars and gentlemen of virtual reality and thank you for listening.






The track you heard at the beginning is José Larralde’s – Quimey Neuquen -The Be Svendsen Edit. Thanks to Be for allowing me to play his track. Find the track on Soundclould: