Experience scenes from the first Matrix movie in virtual reality

Experience scenes from the first Matrix movie in virtual reality


Hello listeners on today’s show I speak with Tipatat and Eric Beyhl; the team behind The Matrix VR experience.

Here is a quick preview of what we talked about:

1:00 , Supporting VR in Star Citizen talk VRTGO conference announcement: Thursday 2pm John Dadly. http://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/vrtgo-2014-vr-conference-tickets-11583525637

1:50 ,How Tipatat got his name

2:45 ,What is the Matrix VR? How the project came about.

5:40 ,Tips and tricks to make work flow happen

8:30 , Future plans for the Matrix VR

12:39, Who did you make this for? ‘The Wii Sports of VR’

Spoilers below:

15:00 , How they reached a game play conclusion for the building jump scene.

17:46 , Game-a-fying film viewing experiences. How to find a balance between what is fun and what might be too difficult.

22:47, The future of movies. The next wave of movie reboots will be in VR. Should VR be seen as a threat or an opportunity by the movie industry?

27:47 , Experimenting and trying out new things in VR.

30:43 , The challenges of implementing the best audio. Contact Tipatat if you are an audio engineer and would like to contribute.

33:16 ,The promise of mobile VR and the hurdles it has to jump. The pros and cons of cutting corners.

38:00 , Photo realism does not trump game play.

40:00 , Will there be a push for photorealism with VR?

42:00 , Backlash from IP holders?

42:58 , Predictions on when the matrix will arrive.

45:17 , What will our interaction with the first AI look like? Using cleverbot/and photorealism to trick the human mind into believing a virtual world is real.

48:00, How will VR relate to the singularity? Will there ever be a robot v. human war?

52: 00 , What will AI think of us when it becomes sentient?

54:37 , Would you take the red pill or the blue pill?

55:02 , Will having the matrix become a positive thing for humanity?

55:45 , Who will control the metaverse? How will ownership work in the metaverse?

58:00 , How will VR affect our concepts of what is ‘truth’.

1:00:11 , Are we already inside a simulation?

1:02:03 , Virtual reality’s applications in helping us learn more about ourselves and our universe.

1:05:00 , What are VR’s biggest challenges in order for it to become mainstream?

1:07:00 , What should be the focus of VR creators in order to become successful?
1:10:09 , The ramifications of virtual reality on our culture?

1:14:00 , The things that keep Eric and Tipatat motivated.

1:16:00 , Is it a good mindset to get into VR because of the wealth potential? Can you make money creating vr experiences?
1:20:00 , Closing thoughts and how to stay in touch with the team.

Thanks again to my guests for being true scholars and gentlemen of virtual reality


Thank you for listening!
If you are in the UK check out Jon Dadley’s talk:


For more info on the Matrix VR and the guys who’ve built it, check out the links below:







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