Archivision is building some of the best roller coasters for virtual reality

Archivision is building some of the best roller coasters for virtual reality


Hello listerners!

On today’s show I speak with Tim and Bart from Archivsion, they’ve been building some of the best roller coaster experiences for the Rift including Lava Inc, Helix, Cobra and many more.

Here is a quick preview of some the things we talked about.

1:00 Intro

1:55 Origins of Archivision and discovering about the Oculus Rift.

4:55 What compelled Archivision to start developing for the Rift and meeting Palmer Luckey.

12:15 Trying out the Rift for the first time with Carmack’s Doom BFG prototype.

16:30 Why make VR rollercoasters?

22:15 Design decisions behind Helix and the reactions they’ve encountered demoing the Rift.

27:00 Techniques to getting Lava Inc to run smoothly. How to get the best frame rates.

30:20 Getting DK2 to work and running into Oculus at a defense industry trade show.

36:10 How to transition your business so that it can thrive in VR.

38:40 Dealing with skepticism about VR’s future.

41:35 Putting together the necessary components that will make VR successful.

48:40 Expectations and predictions for Oculus Connect.

51:30 Plans for the future, choosing the right platform to develop for and speaking to investors.

54:35 A quick preview of what future projects to expect.

56:00 Would you rather be born a baby monkey or a dolphin?

57:20 What will VR look like 10, 20, 30 years from today?

1:03:45 Is a Nintendo Metaverse possible?

1:05:35 Closing thoughts and how to keep in touch.

Thanks again to Tim and Bart for being true scholars and gentlemen of virtual reality


Thank you for listening.

Keep in touch with them, with the links below:


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