Meditation in virtual reality and turning the human body into the next...

Meditation in virtual reality and turning the human body into the next input device with Josh Farkas


Hello listeners! On todays show I speak with Josh Farkas from Cubicle Ninjas, the people who are bringing you the ultimate guided meditation experience in virtual reality.

Here is a preview of some of the cool things we talked about.

20: Intro / The origin story of Guided meditation.

2:00 Why would vr be succesful this time around?

3:00 Defining success for the vr industry.

4:00 How to reach the largest audiences in order to gain traction for vr projects.

6:00 The added value of practicing meditation in VR.

9:00 Using technology to solve the problems created by technology.

10:20 Cublicle Ninja’s competitive advantage.

12:50 Deciding how much to charge for VR experiences.

14:40 Sensory depravation tanks and vr hmds at your office for relaxation breaks.

17:00 Projections for the growth of the VR medical industry.

19:50 The public relations factors to take into mind when thinking about adoption rate for vr.

22:40 The challenges facing the VR industry.

27:44 Guided meditations coming to Sony Morpheus.

29:30 Using biofeedback as a new form of input?

33:00 The challenges of incorporating biofeedback in vr. Privacy questions arise when you share you’re biological data with the metaverse.

36:00 Longterm plans and goals for Cublicle Ninjas.

39:50 Why AR has not had its “2 billion dollar Facebook” moment. Magic Leap might be it.

42:00 Working with Unity to create VR.

43:00 Three favorite games of all time.

46:00 Half Life 3 will be a VR game.

48:00 What will be the impact of big companies investing in vr?

50:00 How indies can adapt to a changing environment.

53:00 Josh’s hopes and fears for virtual reality.

56:21 How do you use VR to teach people better? How long before education in VR takes off.

59:00 How the vr community can address people who legitimately fear vr.

1:04:00 Making VR more accesible to people with physical disabilities.

1:06:00 Using vr to deliberate people trapped in their bodies.

1:10:00 What will vr ultimately end up looking like 10 to 15 years from now?

1:12:00 Closing thoughts and how to stay in touch.

Thanks again to Josh for being a true scholar and gentleman of virtual reality and thank you for listening!

Keep in touch with the links below:


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