The accelerating pace of virtual reality featuring Karl Krantz from SVVR

The accelerating pace of virtual reality featuring Karl Krantz from SVVR


Welcome to Enter VR! Featuring Karl Krantz from Silicon Vallley Virtual Reality (SVVR).
Check out the show notes below to preview what we talked about.

1:00 Karl’s thoughts on OLED micro displays.

3:00 Impressions of the Vive Pro.

3:30 Vive Pro’s comfort factor.

5:00 What’s going on with the Knuckles controllers?


7:20 Vive Focus vs. Google Mirage vs. Oculus Go. .

11:00 Where are all the triple A VR games in 2018?

16:30 Stories from the VR frontline (Sparc, VRchat)

19:30 VR dancing is a thing!

25:00 Communities self policing in VRchat

27:00 Which social VR space will be the next “Second Life”?

32:00 GDC VR Mixer details

36:00 2018 SVVR expo details

38:00 SVVR has a new headquarters!

43:00 What do the VR communities in South Korea and Japan look like?

47:00 Thoughts on Ready Player One

49:00 What is the state of virtual reality as it stands today?

52:00 Taking the time to reflect on the implications of the decisions we make with technology.

57:00 Struggling with social media

1:0030 How to stay in touch with Karl

Thanks again to Karl for being a true scholar and gentleman of virtual reality and thank you for listening!

Get in touch with Karl with the links below:

Intro song:

My Neighbor Totoro – Chillhop Remix