Vizor allows you to create Web VR experiences without having to write...

Vizor allows you to create Web VR experiences without having to write code


Hello and welcome to the EnterVR podcast! On today’s show I speak with Antti Jadertpolm, the CEO of Vizor. Vizor allows you to create webvr experiences through a visual programming system. Come along as we learn more about this powerful project.

10: Why create Vizor in the first place?

1:30 What is the allure of VR?

4:30 What will WebVR look like 5 years from now?

6:00 What will it take for WebVR to get to the heights we dream of?

7:00 Who’s is the competition?

8:00 What will the default interface of navigating the Web through VR? What will make people come back to VR?

12:00 Visualizing 2D data in VR.

18:00 Who decides what direction WebVR goes in?

20:00 Where does Antti personally see himself 5 years from now?

21:00 Bringing sense of humor to virtual reality.

23:00 Bring Journey to VR!

27:00 Will VR really be a 150 Billion dollar industry in the next 5 years.

29:00 How many VR HMDs be sold in the past

30:00 The VR community scene in Finland. Minefield Studios is company from Finland developing a AAA title for Oculus.

34:00 What are the biggest technical challenges facing Vizor right now?

35:00 How to find tutorials to learn to use Vizor’s visual programming system.

36:00 What will do finished product look like?

38:00 The team behind Vizor.

39:00 Reactions to visual programming systems.

40:00 Will casual users adopt visual programming systems more than regular programming?

44:00 Closing thoughts

Thanks again to Antti for being a true scholar and gentleman of virtual reality and thank you for listening!

Keep in touch with Vizor with links below:

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