Shadows of Isolation is like being inside someone else’s dream

Shadows of Isolation is like being inside someone else’s dream

A stereo screenshot of what Shadows of Isolation looks like

Welcome to the EnterVR podcast! On today’s show I speak with Jake Lee High from Future Colossal. Jake is one of the creators of Shadows of Isolation, a VR experience that feels like a being inside of a dream.

Here is preview of some of the things we talked about:

1:00 What is Shadows of Isolation? What inspired it?

3:30 Jake’s first interaction with VR and what pushed him over the edge to create for the medium.

7:20 The story and context of Shadows of Isolation.

12:00 Read up on Mirakami and Neil Gailman. How their writing influenced Jake’s VR dev work.

14:00 Incorporating Hypnosis techniques in VR experiences.

16:30 Is it possible to hypnotize people through VR?

19:00 Can VR augment the level of hypnosis someone can achieve?

22:30 The ultimate goal for Shadows of Isolation. Avoiding loading screens as much as possible.

27:00 How to “curate” user generated platforms?

30:00 What motivates Jake to be a creator of things?

35:00 Where does inspiration come from for Jake?

36:00 Jake gives a preview of his secret project.

39:00 Reactions to Shadow of Isolation.

42:00 What is VR’s biggest weakness at this point?

45:00 Closing thoughts and how to stay in touch.

Thanks to Jake for being a true scholar and gentleman of virtual reality and thank you for listening.

Stay in touch with Jake with the links below:

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