Virtual reality life forms, making vr content in vr and more with...

Virtual reality life forms, making vr content in vr and more with Tim Sweeney from Epic Games


Hello and welcome to another installment of the Enter VR podcast. The show you are about listen to was recorded at Oculus Connect 2. In this episode, I had the honor and pleasure to be joined by Tim Sweeney the founder of Epic Games.

NOTE: This episode was recorded outside, next to Hollywood boulevard so my apologies for all the background noise.

Enjoy the show!

50: Is it morally imperative for humans to create the metaverse?

2:30 At this point in the interview im cringing and screaming inside. Why the fuck is it so loud! My apologies for the background noise.

3:15 What is the most pressing business question in the evolution of the metaverse?

4:30 What are the social questions surrounding the creation of the metaverse?

6:15 Where is epic games and Unreal 10 years from now? What will be Epic’s relation to the narrative of the metaverse?

7:45 Creating VR content inside VR using Unreal Engine?

10:10 What applications is Tim most interested to try out in VR?

11:30 Which platform should you be developing for right now?

14:30 What are Tim’s thoughts on the virtual economy? What will humans do when the robots do all the jobs?

19:30 What is the state of AI in Unreal engine/games? Can deep learning be applied in Unreal Engine?

22:00 Will we see virtual reality life forms by 2025?

23:30 What is Epic doing to stay ahead of the competition?

27:00 What will be the most profound changes virtual reality will have on our behavior ? On macroscopic and individual scales.

30:00 How long before we cross the uncanny valley?

30:30 What made Tim want to make his first game?

Thanks to Tim for being a true scholar and gentleman of virtual reality and thank you for listening!

Keep up with Tim, Epic and Unreal Engine with the links below:

The intro to this podcast was contributed by the honorable @CymaticBruce

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