Rift Wars is like being inside a StarFox music video

Rift Wars is like being inside a StarFox music video


Hello listerners!

On today’s show I speak with James Andrew, the founder of PixelRouter and creator of Rift Wars. A virtual reality game that mixes Star Fox , Geometry Wars and awesome music!

Come along as we talked about; the importance of sound design, tips and tools on how to collaborate remotely with others on VR projects. Using bitcoin and major league gaming to create amazing VR experiences. Advice on keeping your mind sharp and keeping the creative juices going.

Thanks again to James for being a true scholar and gentleman of virtual reality and thank you for listening!

For more info on James and Rift Wars, check out the links below:





[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/155125816″ params=”color=ff5500&auto_play=false&show_artwork=true&show_playcount=true&show_comments=true” width=”100%” height=”81″ iframe=”false” /]