Getting married in Virtual Reality

Getting married in Virtual Reality


Hello listeners! On today’s show I speak with Monika Jo, the first person to be married inside virtual reality 20 years ago.

18: Intro

1:44 How did Monika get married in virtual reality? The story of how and why she became involved in VR 20 years ago.

11:30 The logistics behind how the groom kissed the bride.

12:40 How were people reacting to the wedding at the time?

16:40 Was it hard finding a minister that would marry you in VR? Is getting married in VR immoral?

19:00 The connection between morality and VR.

20:50 Have there been other weddings in VR?

23:00 The best kept memories from the event.

25:50 What did the virtual reality scene look like back in the 90’s?

29:31 The down falls of virual reality in the 90’s

30:30 What sorts of lessons can be drawn from the past in order to make VR that much more successful this time around.

34:36 How will VR change us? Can VR turn us into Jedi?

41:00 The most far fetched prediction for what virtual reality could be.

46:22 Where will potential challenges for VR come from?

50:00 What will the negative aspects of VR look like?

53:40 Will the business of getting married become immoral in the future? Will it be legally binding to get married with someone in another part of the planet?

57:30 What needs to be happen to get more women involved in VR?

1:02:30 Will we ever see humans colonize celestial bodies in our life time?

1:03:10 Cats or dogs?

1:04:10 Would you rather have the ability to talk to animals or teleport inside the minds of them and become them?

1:05:50 Would you rather travel forward or backwards in time?

Thanks again to Monika for being a true lady, a scholar and hero of virtual reality.

To keep in touch with Monika check out the links below:

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