Inception meets the Fantastic Voyage when you experience the Fifth Sleep from...

Inception meets the Fantastic Voyage when you experience the Fifth Sleep from Innerspace


Hello listeners! On today’s show I speak with the team at Innerspace, a VR studio putting together gorgeous and thought provoking experiences for the Oculus Rift and the Samsung Gear. Having tried a demo of the Fifth Sleep myself I can totally stand behind Innerspace as a studio with very high caliber talent.

Here is a preview of some of the things we discussed:

30: Intro to Innerspace, what is the Fifth Sleep and Play Head.

5:30 Creating the Hybrid between game and movie experience through VR.

10:00 The goals behind the Fifth Sleep.

14:10 The story sorrounding the fith sleep.

21:30 Using VR to wake up a man in a coma by going inside his dreams.

23:40 Consulting with scientist to make traveling through models of the brain more believable. Blair Renaud “Good science fiction is believable”

27:40 Balancing the right amount of science vs. artistic expression to provide more immersive experiences.

36:30 What would say to a consciousness trapped in a coma?

39:20 The right to not be woken up from a coma.

44:36 Finding a “switch” that will turn your brain into a comatose brain.

48:20 Exclusive reveal.

50:00 Using Cryengine to build the Fifth Sleep.

57:00 Is Google Cardboard bad for VR?

1:01:00 What will VR look like 5 years from now?

1:08:10 The design techniques employed by innerspace to combat sim sickness.

1:11:00 Using virtual reality as a form of artistic expression

1:17:10 Sony Morpheus support for the Fifth Sleep?

1:18:40 How to stay in touch and follow up with the team.

Thanks again to Balthasar and Andre for being true scholars and gentlemen of virtual reality and thank you for listening.

Find out more and stay in touch with the team at Innerspace with links below:


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