Virtual reality in space exploration with Victor Luo from NASA’s Jet Propulsion...

Virtual reality in space exploration with Victor Luo from NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory


Hello listeners! On today’s show I speak with Victor Luo, who is leading development on the human interface aspects of tele-robotics at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Come along as we discuss using VR with astronauts in space, colonizing mars, finding life in Europa and much more!

Here is a quick preview of some of the things we talked about:
30 : Victor’s Role at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory

1:10 The human interfaces research group at Nasa

2:21 Describing Victor’s demo at the VR Hackathon.

3:40 What role will human interfaces play in space exploration.

4:50 How long has NASA been paying attention to VR and telepresence?

6:40 What sorts of uses will the HMD be used for by NASA. Walking around Mars using an HMD.

9:39 How will telerobotics and vr influence space exploration?

11:22 Putting a livestreaming 360 video camera on the International Space Station.

12:20 Experimenting with Virtual Reality in Microgravity.

14:30 Using VR to combat some of the psychological impacts of deep space travel.

18:40 What’s next after mars? What will future NASA missions look like.

23:00 What would it mean for NASA if we discovered some form of sentient life on another celestial body. Is humanity ready for that discovery?

25:00 What aspects of virtual reality will NASA find the most value in ?

27:00 Will asteroid mining enable the creation of the word’s first trillionaire?

29:00 Pragmatic challenges of using VR and telerobotics.

32:00 Impacts of prolonged use of VR on the human mind?

32:40 Victor’s personal motivations.

34:00 The process of creating interfaces.

36:00 Increasing the efficacy of doing science by incorporating immersive environments.

39:00 Landing on a Martian pole to harvest its water.

41:00 What happened to the water on Mars?

43:00 How to get people motivated and excited about space exploration.

45:00 Crowd sourcing space exploration to the hive mind.

46:00 What will it take for humans to have a permanent presence on Mars?

49:45 Utilizing fear to motivate humans to expand our reach in space.

53:00 Will VR be a victim of its success?

57:31 Seeing the universe from the astronauts perspective using VR.

59:30 Will we see the birth of the first human to not be born on earth in this century?

1:02:30 Is NASA interested in exploring the deep sea or excavating to the earth’s core?

1:05:00 Nasa’s funding challenges. What is the return on investment for colonizing Mars?


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