Working on gearVR, the perfect vr stealth game and catching up with...

Working on gearVR, the perfect vr stealth game and catching up with UnelloDesign’s Aaron Lemke


Hello listeners! On todays show Aaron Lemke returns to the Podcast for 2 hours of glory and triumph in which we discuss all manner of things vr and non-vr.

Here is a quick preview of some of the things we talked about.

23:Intro, what Aaron has been up to lately.

2:42 Developing for the Gear VR.

4:00 Avoiding smearing artifacts when developing for the Samsung Gear VR

5:00 Setting yourself apart from the pack.

6:50 Do you experiment or do you play it safe in creating VR experiences?

9:30 Is it okay to call VR an escape?

11:00 Why developing for mobile VR will make you a better vr developer.

16:30 How will GearVR’s battery life measure up to public scrutiny and hype?

18:20 Electric motors don’t have transmissions.

21:00 Discussing possible release dates for CV1

23:00 What is the minimum amount of time required to get good VR experiences on the market?

26:40 What would you do if you had John Carmack’s brain?

28:00 Master’s of Doom part 2

30:00 Catching up with Eden River and Opera Nova

33:00 Not putting your vr software eggs in just one proverbial hardware platform.

37:30 Running Eden River at the Valve VR room.

38:20 Internal struggles at the major VR players.

41:00 Is VR truly the final medium?

42:00 Will mass adoption of VR happen in the next 5 years?

44:00 Who will be able to afford CV1?

51:00 Can you have VR arcades without mocaps systems.

52:00 Full suit tracking you in VR.

54:00 How to adapt to the shifting market of VR distribution and creation.

56:32 “Artificial intelligence is like summoning the demon” from Elon Musk and why John Carmack thinks we should colonize mars.

59:00 ‘Low probability, high impact events’ and how to “prepare” for them.

1:04:00 Transmitting love through art and VR.

1:06:00 Having conversations with AI inhabiting avatars in VR.

1:08:00 Would you rather marry a realistic looking avatar or more cartoonish as assigned by our future robot over lords.

1:10:00 How could VR be abused as a tool and how to use VR enrich people’s lives.

1:12:00 The advantages of interactive rhetoric.

1:14:00 Co-op stealth games will be awesome in VR. The best stealth tool in Metal gear games.

1:16 VR training room from Metal Gear Subsistance in VR.

1:18:00 Reactions of the rift to people in close circles.

1:21:20 Bringing VR to the medical community in Austin.

1:24:44 Hacking the human brain with VR.

1:25:00 What would happen if big publishers do not develope major content for vr.

1:28:00 How 3D printing could compliment vr.

1:35:00 Ending up like the guy in the picture of an empty room with just a mattress and a vr device.

1:35:00 At what point does wanting to be in VR become unhealthy?

1:38:20 In the future, you will get paid to play video games for a living.

1:39:00 Using to set up an online store.

1:42:00 What will the virtual reality concert of the future look like?

1:51:00 Creating music visualizations in vr.

1:59:00 What will the hype cycle look like for the vr industry.

2:01:55 Virtual dance parties will be great places for potential human mating.

2:04:00 Meeting humans from the opposite sex in VR.

2:08:00 Being inside a science fiction novel as it reveals itself before your eyes.

Thanks again to Aaron for being a true scholar and gentleman of virtual reality and thanks for listening!

Keep in touch with the links below:


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