Tags Posts tagged with "EnterVR"


Hello listeners! On today’s show I speak with Han and Jason from Lucidcam. Lucidcam gives you the ability to record 180 degree 3D video and be able to experience it in VR with an HMD.
Here is a snippet of some of the things we talked about.20 : What is Lucidcam?

1:40 What makes Lucidcam different

3:50 What you get from Lucidcam that you can’t get anywhere else.

7:30 Live life through the eyes of others.

8:30 Who is type of person that will be the adopter of Lucidcam.Why target the consumer industry?

12:00 The end user experience for Lucidcam.

15:03 The different monetization of avenues of Lucidcam and consumers.

16:30 How to compete with China when making VR hardware. Turning Lucidcam into a wearable.

18:30 Is project Tango a competitor to Lucidcam?

22:20 What kind of format is Lucidcam video in? How to edit videos from Lucidcam. Check out Coloreyes.

24:50 What does VR mean to Han and Jason?

31:10 What are the challenges/weaknesses of 180 degree videos.

34:20 Sharing on the go, quick experiences with people.

35:20 What will be the price of a Lucidcam?

37:00 Getting the 3D camera market to compete with the 2D Camera market.

39:00 VR will give people more free time.

40:00 Looking for hardware,software and computer vision people.

42:00 Using software to create better videos.

44:30 What is the origin story behind Lucidcam?

49:20 Why VR?

53:00 Will you ever be able to feel empathy machine?

55:00 What its like to be an entrepreneur in Silicon Valley.

1:00:00 Life is not linear.

1:02:00 How to balance having a plan while also accepting the non linear aspects of reality.

1:05:00 Is there a type of person that gets the most funding?

1:09:00 Will you be able to live stream your Lucidcam experiences?

1:11:00 Conclusions and final thoughts.

Thanks to Han and Jason for being scholars and gentlemen of virtual reality and thank you for listening.

Find out more about Lucidcam with the links below:




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Hello listeners! On today’s show I speak with Karl Krantz the creator of the Silicon Valley Virtual Reality Conference and Meetup events. We spoke about bringing the Oculus Crescent Bay prototype to the holiday party (skip to the last 12 minutes of the show), anticipating the potential consequences of an artificial intelligence economy, virtual reality pornography and much more

Here is a preview of some of the things we talked about:

22: Intro, what’s been keeping Karl busy.

1:00 The next SVVR conference.

1:40 How does Karl keep up with VR news?

2:22 Finding a bigger home for SVVR.

3:40 How has the community changed since its early days?

5:30 Is Karl still encountering VR skeptics in Silicon Valley?

7:00 What is the most used argument used by skeptics?

10:20 Will there be people who will choose the metaverse over reality? Is that good or bad?

11:30 Could VR sex become so good that it could slow down population growth?

13:00 Could VR solve the long distance love paradox?

15:40 Could VR porn exacerbate pre existing addictions to porn?

18:20 How can we prevent or anticipate the potentials problems of VR addiction?

20:16 Will the next Candy Crush of vr be too addicting?

22:00 The game theory challenges of putting together a code of ethics for the metaverse.

24:00 Creating a personal assistant/AI that will assist you in navigating the metaverse based on your biofeedback

26:00 Who will own your data in the metaverse?

27:00 Demoing a DK1 with eye tracking hacked into it.

30:00 Will we ever see ‘smell’ vr peripherals?

33:00 How will existing industries adapt when virtual reality starts eating its lunch money.

35:00 Will watching movies in VR on airplanes ever become a popular thing?

38:00 The true threat behind the AI economic revolution and how it will effect VR?

43:00 The creation of AI and VR will usher humanity into a new epoch.

44:00 The fragility of civilization.

46:00 Creating an economy inside the metaverse in order to provide a counterweight to the AI economic revolution.

51:00 Will everyone earn the same thing if we adopt cryptocurrency how will that look like ?

56:00 Karl’s impressions on the Samsung Gear.

1:00:20 Experiencing Chernobyl with Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 vs. Samsung Gear.

1:02:00 Is battery technology keeping up with the pace of Moore’s law?

1:04:40 The dangers of closed ecosystems and walled gardens when accessing the metaverse.

1:09:00 Will corporations kill the potential life changing properties of an open metaverse?

1:13:00 Are Facebook employees scared of coming to VR meetups?

1:14:00 The lessons Karl has learned since starting the meetup.

1:17:00 Not feeling so crazy once you find a VR community.

1:19:10 Learning to embrace new people coming into the VR community.

1:22:04 Dealing with impostor syndrome.

1:25:00 If money was not an issue, what are Karl’s plans to contribute to virtual reality.

1:28:00 Creating a physical space for SVVR, to incubate and accelarate VR companies.

1:29:00 The biggest challenges facing Karl.

1:31:00 Creating a virtual reality office to optimize productivity.

1:33:00 Tips and tricks from Karl to start a VR meetup.

1:36:20 If SFVR, SVVR, VRLA and NYCVR were ice cream, flavors what sort of ice cream flavors would they be.

1:41:00 What will come after VR? Is VR truly the final medium?

1:42:30 Karl Krantz predicted the future.

1:43:20 What is the worst thing that could happen to vr now?

1:46:00 Does Magic Leap warrant the hype behind it?

1:49:00 SVVR holiday party announcements. Ethereon, VR Chat and Crescent Bay will be making it out to the holiday party.

1:53:00 The first STEM from Sixense will be at the Holiday party.

1:56:00 Closing thoughts and how to stay in touch.

Thanks to Karl for being a true scholar and gentleman of virtual reality and thank you for listening.

Keep in touch with Karl with the links below.




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Hello listeners! On today’s show I speak with Jono Forbes from Defective Studios. Jono is working on an application called VRMT which allows you to create vr inside vr.

Here is a preview of some of the things we talked about.

1:00 Intro and how VRMT works.

2:00 The inspiration for the interface.

4:50 The intended audience for his creation tool/game.

6:47 What’s the point of being inside vr to create vr?

10:00 The ultimate vision for VRMT.

13:40 Working with Unity.

15:00 Learning about Jono’s background.

16:40 The hardest part about making games.

22:20 Why VR?

25:30 Trying out Dk1 for the first time.

28:00 Redesigning interfaces from the ground up for VR.

29:00 Learning new lessons and knowing what works for VR. Testing out sim sickness.

31:00 What motivates Jono to get involved in VR.

34:00 How to make money in VR.

37:00 What input will look like when creating vr inside vr.

43:30 How to foster a community around your vr experience.

45:00 What does VRMT stand for?

48:30 5 favorite games of all time.

51:00 Ideal game to relive in vr

52:00 Playing the new Monument valley.

54:00 What will pc, mobile and console gaming look like 10 years from now.

57:00 The 10 year view of mobile, console and pc VR platforms.

59 The physical limitations of a fully mobile computing device/ecosystem for all of humanity.

1:02:00 The Boston area VR community progress.

1:04:00 Reactions of friends and family to Jono’s vr passion.

1:06:00 Discussion on the Southpark vr episode. (spoiler Alert)

(It makes sense for Southpark to happen inside a vr simulation because that’s how Kenny can always keep dying and how all this crazy shit can go down. The Southpark universe is a computer simulation playing out the most absurd and impossible routes the universe can set off in.)

1:10:45 Making all VR creation software inter operable.

1:30:00 Nailing the interface that will justify the utilization of inside vr creation tools.

1:15:00 Speculation as to what will be the Oculus input solution.

1:17:00 What is the best/worst case scenario if Oculus releases the Rift without an input device.

1:20:00 Bring back the Nintendo Power glove.

1:22:00 The MYO armband is a brain reading device.

1:24:00 Closing thoughts and how to stay in touch.
Thanks again to Jono for being a true scholar and gentleman of virtual reality and thank you for listening!

Here are some links to help you keep in touch or follow what Jono is doing:






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Hello listeners! On todays show I speak with Josh Farkas from Cubicle Ninjas, the people who are bringing you the ultimate guided meditation experience in virtual reality.

Here is a preview of some of the cool things we talked about.

20: Intro / The origin story of Guided meditation.

2:00 Why would vr be succesful this time around?

3:00 Defining success for the vr industry.

4:00 How to reach the largest audiences in order to gain traction for vr projects.

6:00 The added value of practicing meditation in VR.

9:00 Using technology to solve the problems created by technology.

10:20 Cublicle Ninja’s competitive advantage.

12:50 Deciding how much to charge for VR experiences.

14:40 Sensory depravation tanks and vr hmds at your office for relaxation breaks.

17:00 Projections for the growth of the VR medical industry.

19:50 The public relations factors to take into mind when thinking about adoption rate for vr.

22:40 The challenges facing the VR industry.

27:44 Guided meditations coming to Sony Morpheus.

29:30 Using biofeedback as a new form of input?

33:00 The challenges of incorporating biofeedback in vr. Privacy questions arise when you share you’re biological data with the metaverse.

36:00 Longterm plans and goals for Cublicle Ninjas.

39:50 Why AR has not had its “2 billion dollar Facebook” moment. Magic Leap might be it.

42:00 Working with Unity to create VR.

43:00 Three favorite games of all time.

46:00 Half Life 3 will be a VR game.

48:00 What will be the impact of big companies investing in vr?

50:00 How indies can adapt to a changing environment.

53:00 Josh’s hopes and fears for virtual reality.

56:21 How do you use VR to teach people better? How long before education in VR takes off.

59:00 How the vr community can address people who legitimately fear vr.

1:04:00 Making VR more accesible to people with physical disabilities.

1:06:00 Using vr to deliberate people trapped in their bodies.

1:10:00 What will vr ultimately end up looking like 10 to 15 years from now?

1:12:00 Closing thoughts and how to stay in touch.

Thanks again to Josh for being a true scholar and gentleman of virtual reality and thank you for listening!

Keep in touch with the links below:





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Hello listeners! On today’s show I speak with James Andrew from Pixelrouter.

Here is a preview of some of the cool things we talked about:
33 Intro – Comic Con Rhode Island and Gamestop

3:30 Experiencing Zone

5:00 Innovating with player scores to improve experiencing.

7:00 My score has now been beaten by James Andrew himself with 165,000 points.

10:40 Balancing out game mechanics to make the game fair and fun.

13:20 Generating the game in real time.

15:52 Diversifying game environments by taking inspiration from music.

17:51 The goals for the soundtrack of the game.

18:40 A music video, comic book and arcade experience merge powers to form ZONE.

20:00 How many hours of game play can you

21:00 What will make vr experiences good? Will it be mostly content or hardware?

24:00 How do you know how much to charge for vr experiences?

26:30 Setting up Zone tournaments. What does Gamestop have to gain from backing VR?

29:00 What will influence adoption rate the most?

31:00 Reactions to Zone

32:00 Showing Zone to a more mature generation.

33:40 The ideal input device for Zone.

37:00 The Story behind Zone.

39:00 How many levels to expect on the first release. The reasoning behind the monetization model.

41:30 DJ-ing VR in real time so people can play competitive multiplayer tournaments together.

47:00 The trouble with major league gaming and how Zone plans on solving it.

47:50 How to get things done and managing multiple. Come help out with Zone. Get in touch with James.

49:00 Getting Zone working on Gear VR.

50:20 The profits potential of the desktop platform for virtual reality.

52:00 Are Nintendo and Microsoft paying attention

52:20 The influence of patents on the

53:30 Any concerns of addiction to Zone?

56:30 What is the worst thing you can do with VR?

58:00 Zone Arena in the works.

59:54 What would an ideal relationship with the platforms makers look like?

1:02:20 Will the first wave of vr content become an actual wave or a trickle. Sony’s competitive advantage in the VR market.

1:04:00 The rise of VR arcades.

1:06:00 Will there be a public demo of Zone?

1:07 Closing thoughts and how to stay in touch.

Thanks again to James for being a true scholar and gentleman of virtual reality and thank you for listening!

Keep in touch with the links below:







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Hello listeners! On today’s show I speak with Victor Luo, who is leading development on the human interface aspects of tele-robotics at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Come along as we discuss using VR with astronauts in space, colonizing mars, finding life in Europa and much more!

Here is a quick preview of some of the things we talked about:
30 : Victor’s Role at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory

1:10 The human interfaces research group at Nasa

2:21 Describing Victor’s demo at the VR Hackathon.

3:40 What role will human interfaces play in space exploration.

4:50 How long has NASA been paying attention to VR and telepresence?

6:40 What sorts of uses will the HMD be used for by NASA. Walking around Mars using an HMD.

9:39 How will telerobotics and vr influence space exploration?

11:22 Putting a livestreaming 360 video camera on the International Space Station.

12:20 Experimenting with Virtual Reality in Microgravity.

14:30 Using VR to combat some of the psychological impacts of deep space travel.

18:40 What’s next after mars? What will future NASA missions look like.

23:00 What would it mean for NASA if we discovered some form of sentient life on another celestial body. Is humanity ready for that discovery?

25:00 What aspects of virtual reality will NASA find the most value in ?

27:00 Will asteroid mining enable the creation of the word’s first trillionaire?

29:00 Pragmatic challenges of using VR and telerobotics.

32:00 Impacts of prolonged use of VR on the human mind?

32:40 Victor’s personal motivations.

34:00 The process of creating interfaces.

36:00 Increasing the efficacy of doing science by incorporating immersive environments.

39:00 Landing on a Martian pole to harvest its water.

41:00 What happened to the water on Mars?

43:00 How to get people motivated and excited about space exploration.

45:00 Crowd sourcing space exploration to the hive mind.

46:00 What will it take for humans to have a permanent presence on Mars?

49:45 Utilizing fear to motivate humans to expand our reach in space.

53:00 Will VR be a victim of its success?

57:31 Seeing the universe from the astronauts perspective using VR.

59:30 Will we see the birth of the first human to not be born on earth in this century?

1:02:30 Is NASA interested in exploring the deep sea or excavating to the earth’s core?

1:05:00 Nasa’s funding challenges. What is the return on investment for colonizing Mars?





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Hello listeners!

Implementing WEBVR in Google Chrome with Brandon Jones
Hello listeners! On today’s show I speak with Brandon Jones a software developer at Google and the man behind the implementation of the Web VR api standards and tools for the Google Chrome web browser. Come along as we discuss the strengths and weaknesses of webvr, how to get people to develop for webvr and much more.

NOTE: I have lost the last 5 minutes of this conversation, somehow the file became corrupted. My apologies for the inconvenience.

Here is a preview of some of the things we talked about.

40: Intro and what Brandon has been up to. The story behind webvr

2:40 What does standardization look like for webvr?

6:00 How far off are we from a reality where webvr will be seamless for consumers.

11:50 How long before we turn the virtual realityHMD into an interconnected teleportation device?

17:47 The chicken vs the egg paradox with webvr

18:05 How do you incentivize developers to come work on the webvr platform? How to monetize developing on webvr

27:30 The general advantages/disavantages of utilizing webvr vs. Unity in expanding or improving a business.

32:53 Designing VR for the web and how to go about it.

36:30 When will VR find it’s ‘mouse’?

42:10 Nailing down the latency challenge. Experimenting with Timewarp with WebVR content.

45:00 What does Google stand to gain by utilizing WebVR/Webgl ?

49:12 How invested is Google in virtual reality? Boston Dynamics telepresence enabled robot has neither been confirmed nor denied.
Thanks again to Brandon for being a true scholar and gentleman of virtual reality and thank you for listening.
Keep in touch with Brandon with the links below:

Cool Real Estate tool Brandon Talked about was talking about: http://realestate.matterport.com/listing/luxury-home/

WebVR Mailing List: https://mail.mozilla.org/listinfo/web-vr-discuss

Brandon’s Blog: http://tojicode.com/

How to fold a Julia Fractal: http://acko.net/blog/how-to-fold-a-julia-fractal/





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Hello listeners! On today’s show I speak with the team at Innerspace, a VR studio putting together gorgeous and thought provoking experiences for the Oculus Rift and the Samsung Gear. Having tried a demo of the Fifth Sleep myself I can totally stand behind Innerspace as a studio with very high caliber talent.

Here is a preview of some of the things we discussed:

30: Intro to Innerspace, what is the Fifth Sleep and Play Head.

5:30 Creating the Hybrid between game and movie experience through VR.

10:00 The goals behind the Fifth Sleep.

14:10 The story sorrounding the fith sleep.

21:30 Using VR to wake up a man in a coma by going inside his dreams.

23:40 Consulting with scientist to make traveling through models of the brain more believable. Blair Renaud “Good science fiction is believable”

27:40 Balancing the right amount of science vs. artistic expression to provide more immersive experiences.

36:30 What would say to a consciousness trapped in a coma?

39:20 The right to not be woken up from a coma.

44:36 Finding a “switch” that will turn your brain into a comatose brain.

48:20 Exclusive reveal.

50:00 Using Cryengine to build the Fifth Sleep.

57:00 Is Google Cardboard bad for VR?

1:01:00 What will VR look like 5 years from now?

1:08:10 The design techniques employed by innerspace to combat sim sickness.

1:11:00 Using virtual reality as a form of artistic expression

1:17:10 Sony Morpheus support for the Fifth Sleep?

1:18:40 How to stay in touch and follow up with the team.

Thanks again to Balthasar and Andre for being true scholars and gentlemen of virtual reality and thank you for listening.

Find out more and stay in touch with the team at Innerspace with links below:






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Hello listeners! Welcome to another episode of the EnterVR podcast. On today’s show I speak with Andrew and Franklin from Merge labs. They are working on a really cool smartphone VR platform that will come paired with its own controller and it has anti microbial features.

Here is a quick snippet of some of the things we talked about:
40: Intro – What is Merge labs

2:30 Explaining the platform

3:30 The process of creating the Merge.

8:50 What is a Yoga Block?

9:29 Why work in VR in the first place?

11:10 The durability of the foam material over time.

13:12 The out of the box input device paired with the Merge VR.

16:20 The price point for the MergeVR.

18:40 Explaining the discovery solution for Merge products.

20:21 What will the curation process look like?

24:00 What will be the minimum age for kids that use the Merge VR

24:40 The hardware minimum requirements to run good apps.

26:20 What makes a casual vr experience, casual?

28:18 What sets Merge Labs apart from the competition?

31:10 What are MergeLabs most difficult challenges on the technical front and the business front?

34:40 What will it take for vr to reach the masses?

37:00 Thoughts on Samsung Gear and the Rift.

39:00 Where do they see themselves 5 years from now.

44:26 What will the ultimate end goal of vr look like?

47:00 The ethics of vr, will VR be for everyone?

50:00 Are we changing our physiology the more we go in VR?

52:28 Recreating and simulating reality with hundreds of volunteers to create better systems of human organization.

55:50 What could stop VR at this point?

57:14 Closing thoughts and how to stay in touch.

Thanks to Andrew and Franklin for being true scholars and gentlemen of virtual reality and thank you for listening!

Keep in touch with Merge and get more info with the links below.





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NOTE: This episode was recorded 48 hours before the Darkfield team successfully met their kickstarter goal. If you are listening within days of this show being published there is still time help!

Hello listeners! On today’s show I speak with Mark Schramm from Darkfield. We discussed kickstarter, game design and Battle Star Galactica. Here is a preview of some of the things we discussed:
1:30 Current progress on Darkfield and what it is.

2:30 Why 10,000 dollars for the kickstarter.

3:30 Can there ever be too many space shooters?

5:40 Why make a co-op game for VR in the first place.

7:50 Will Darkfield include leaderboards?

9:30 The inspiration for Darkfield.

10:55 Why you should watch Battlestar Galactica

13:00 The reasoning behind space ship designs.

14:10 The number of players per map.

14:45 Quantifying the scale of the maps.

16:30 The background setting for the conflict in the game.

18:30 What does VR add to the experience?

19:45 The types of weapons that Darkfield will come with.

21:35 The most pressing technical challenges for Darkfield. The importance of a proper user interface.

25:35 Why floating menus are not ideal for Darkfield.

26:30 The challenges with input.

30:20 Will the space wars of the future be fought by humans?

32:29 Will humans ever get to a point where they can have a permanent presence in outer space.

36:20 The goal of Darkfield.

38:15 The challenges of creating a game that works on desktop and VR.

41:10 What happens if Darkfield gets funded? What’s the plan if it does not.

43:35 The approximate pricing of the retail game.

44: 50 The amount of maps available at launch. The replay value of Darkfield.

45:30 The variability of map design in a space setting.

46:25 Including teamspeak in the game.

48:32 Closing thoughts and how to stay in touch.
Thanks again to Mark for being a true scholar and gentleman of virtual reality and thanks for listening.

Keep in touch with Darkfield with the links below:






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