Learn and teach math using vr and understanding the dawn of artificial...

Learn and teach math using vr and understanding the dawn of artificial intelligence


Hello listerners! Welcome to another episode of the EnterVR podcast. On todays show I speak with Zoe and Michael. They are graduate robotics researchers at UC Berkeley and they are also developing a platform for you to learn and teach math using virtual reality.

Here is a preview of some of the things discussed.
30: Intro. Making a more intimate connection with math through VR.

3:00 What are the fundamental advantages of a math literate society?

5:50 What is Math VR? How will it look? Travelling to a place where math resides.

8:30 How do you know what to visualize and how to visualize it? Making 3D math accesible in VR.

12:20 How to convey the utility of math in virtual reality to the average user.

14:10 Why do you need linear algebra in your life?

16:20 “I know math, and I feel free as fuck”.

20:00 “What can’t you do with math?” AR and Wearable will make turn our world into math.

24:00 How far along in development is MathVR. Using Leapmotion to control the interface.

30:50 Speaking about the Dimensions of Interstellar. SPOILER ALERT.

37:00 What is the distribution model? Is the team trying to make money with this project?

39:30 How to contribute to the MathVR project?

41:20 Giving people the tools so that they can create their own vr math lessons.

42:00 Are we genetically encoded to love math? Are some of us doomed to never ‘get’ math?

50:22 Making math social and doing math together with friends in VR. Is Math meant to be a lonely journey?

53:00 Mathcraft. Minecraft for math.

59:00 Getting people addicted to getting smart.

1:02:00 Is Math something that you create or is it something we discover.

1:06:00 What are the implications of conclusively resolving whether math is created or discovered.

1:08:00 Could math teach people how to be better humans?

1:10:00 Could enabling the democratization of math bring about the next Hitler?

1:14:00 What does Stephen Hawking and Elon Musk know about that you don’t about AI?

1:15:00 How is a deep learning influencing the progress of AI?

1:18:30 Doing Math on drugs? Can we create drugs that can make us smarter in math?

1:25:00 “The Matrix is coming, learn math”.

1:27:00 When and how will we know when AI is here?

1:29:00 What happens when you mix quantum computers and AI algorithyms?

1:32:00 Why build AI? What’s the point?

1:35:00 What is sentience?

1:38:00 Do you create sentience from a model of the human brain or do you start from scratch?

1:42:00 The geopolitical state of AI. Is there Manhattan project for AI somewhere underneath the desert?

1:45:00 Is the military involved in the push to create better AI? How far along are they?

1:48:00 What is the singularity after all? The MIRI institute.

1:51:00 Is humanity ready for AI? What are the legal ramifications of AI?

1:55:00 How do you deal with the implications that something might be smarter than humans? Creating a human based strong AI.

1:59:00 Are we really just the sex organs of the machine?

2:02:00 Experimenting with Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation.

2:04:00 What will virtual reality look like 20 years from today?

2:06:00 How can we create the metaverse from within the metaverse.

2:08:00 Closing thoughts and how to stay in touch.
Thanks again to Zoe and Michael for being true scholars /lady and gentleman of virtual reality and thank you for listening.
Keep in touch with the links below.
(check back soon, this list will have better links in the future)



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