Kite and Lightning is at the vanguard of redefining the way we...

Kite and Lightning is at the vanguard of redefining the way we tell stories

Took a photo with Ikrima at VRLA Spring Expo

Hello listeners! Welcome to the EnterVR podcast. On today’s show I speak with Ikrima Elhassan from Kite and Lightning! Come along as we learn about the open source plugin Kite and Lightning is publishing in order to allow you to create 360 in engine experiences.

40: Intro

1:40 What do Hollywood studios see in VR?

3:00 How much does location influence whether you survive or die in VR?

5:40 What’s next for Kite and Lightning?

7:00 Is it possible to survive in VR by simply selling content to consumers?

10:00 Why not take money from venture capitalists?

14:00 When will we find out what experiences sells in vr?

15:00 What motivates Kite and Lightning to continue pushing forward?

16:00 How to manage publishing content on multiple VR platforms and marketplaces.

18:00 Releasing their own open source plug in! To create Kite and Lightning type experiences.

23:00 The pro’s and cons of creating 360 in engine video experiences.

27:00 Using synthetic light fields to get around the limitations of 360 in engine video.

32:00 Will Tesla vehicles become self aware?

33:00 What is the cost of producing VR content?

35:00 What will it take to generate a mass transition of consumers from the legacy paradigm to VR?

37:00 What is the overall sense of the VR industry community?

40:00 Will money change the way we view the VR industry?

41:00 How are people’s reactions to VR changed over the last couple of years?

44:00 How do you see VR for its potential and not just its short comings?

45:00 What does the creative future of Kite and Lightning look like?

46:00 What will be the keyboard of VR?

50:00 Exploring the “watching little worlds ” effect. Playing Chrono Trigger in VR?

51:00 If we could bring the back the Neandarthal, should we?

52:00 Closing thoughts and staying in touch.

Thanks to Ikrima for being a true scholar and gentleman of virtual reality and thank you for listening!

Keep in touch with the links below:

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