Peek inside the mind of Tony Davidson through his VR experience called...

Peek inside the mind of Tony Davidson through his VR experience called Ethereon


Hello listeners! On today’s show I speak with Tony Davidson, the creator of one of the most immersive puzzle games on the Rift yet.

Here is a preview of some of the things we talked about:

35: What is Ethereon, how is it coming along?

2:30 Dk2 support for Ethereon Update

5:50 Tony’s Kickstarter plans, checking out the VRCade in Seattle and running into Tom Forsyth

10:15 How to assemble the best team possible for your VR project.

13:44 Figuring out how much to ask on Kickstarter.

16:50 Tony’s vision for what the final version of Ethereon will look like.

21:20 Why the rebirth of VR is different this time around..

23:40 What sorts of things can only be accomplished in VR?

27:00 What VR will look like 5 years from today?

30:07 Is there anything that can stop VR from becoming mainstream?

32:30 How to strike the balance between a benevolent and malevolent metaverse.

34:00 How younger people are reacting to VR . How to avoid sim sickness.

41:00 Will we see Ethereon on Sony Morpheus?

45:00 Balancing the hardware limitations of mobile platforms with the need for rich and immersive content. Creating design compromises that work.

47: 00 What will happen when we cross the uncanny valley?

50:30 What value could we gain from creating a replica of reality in the metaverse?

51:50 Closing thoughts and how to keep in touch.

Thanks again to Tony for being a true scholar and gentleman of virtual reality


Thank you for listening!

Keep in touch with Tony and Ethereon with the links below:



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