Discussing the internet of things, connected cities and virtual reality with Damon...

Discussing the internet of things, connected cities and virtual reality with Damon Hernandez


Hello listeners ! On today’s show I speak with Damon Hernandez about the internet of things and how virtual reality will a role in it.

Here is a quick preview of some of the things we discussed.
40: Smart buildings and the internet of things meet the 3D paradigm.

1:20 How will the internet of things affect virtual reality?

3:45 What would it mean if the internet of things became fully open.

5:00 What will societies of the future look like once the internet of things matures?

12:40 Accessing the data from the internet of things. Who is this data for?

15:00 Snowcrash and the metaverse.

17:00 The convergence of virtual reality and other technologies.

19:00 The security aspects of the metaverse and the internet of things.

22:30 What lies at the root of media sensationalism about technology?

26:00 Using virtual reality for tailored made educational experiences.

29:00 Looking to 5 years into the future.

32:00 Describing VR sex kit and why its important to push the envelope.

38:00 What will the creation of the metaverse look like? What will the process of creating virtual worlds be like?

42:00 How to say vr to engineers? How to lure talent into the vr industry?

49:00 How to make webvr more tempting for developers?
The web vs Unity vs Unreal.

55:00 Damon’s biggest hope and biggest fears.

1:01:00 The importance of under promising and over delivering.

1:06:00 Will the demand for VR content overwhelm our ability to supply it?

1:06:00 The most cost effective process to provide valuable vr content for society.

1:10:00 Closing thoughts and how to stay in touch. A larger vision of the metaverse.

Thanks again to Damon for being a true scholar and gentleman of virtual reality and thank you for listening.

Keep in touch with the links below:





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