Authors Posts by Admin C & A

Admin C & A



Hello and welcome to Enter VR! An independent podcast about virtual reality. On this episode I speak with Graham Gaylor, one of the founders of VR chat and dear friend that I tend to weird out every time we meet.

Here is a snippet of some of the things we talked about:

42: Introduction to Graham’s bike.

3:00 Graham and I are confessed console peasants.

5:00 Why Graham will buy Halo 5.

7:00 Using Virtual desktop from Guy Godin to get office work done.

9:00 How shopping in VR will justify its utility. Tapping into the social aspects of shopping.

11:50 Finding a backpack full of grenades in my mothers closet.

13:30 Will Amazon start getting involved in the virtual reality shopping space?

14:00 How will human to human service industries translate into VR?

20:00 The need for more psychological research on Vr and its effects.

21:00 Graham is looking forward to the Gallery Six Elements. when will we see 1st person VR shooters from big name publishers? (will we ever?)

25:00 Graham’s expectations for user growth in the first year of consumer VR.

26:00 Graham’s thoughts on the most overlooked aspects of VR.

27:00 Will GearVR live up to see its full potential?

29:00 Oculus CV1 vs. Morpheus. Which is more comfortable?

31:00 John Carmack will be doing a talk on VR Script at Oculus Connect 2.

34:00 The importance of flawless input.

36:00 Is figuring out a standard text input solution for VR necessary?

38:00 How do you compel users to literally look around while in VR.

41:00 How and Why Graham got muscular.

42:00 Ikea Meatballs are awesome.

45:00 Graham’s favorite teenage movie of all time.

46:30 The Audi R8 is a sexy looking car.

49:00 Is Cortana hot?

50:00 Closing thoughts and how to stay in touch.

Thanks to Graham for being a scholar and gentlemen of the proto metaverse and thanks for listening!

Keep in touch with Graham with the links below:

For more EnterVR content follow the twitter stream @entervr

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Hello and welcome to Enter VR. Come scuba dive with us inside the mind of Ruuubick a virtual reality community builder and social vr expert.

Here is a snippet of some of the things we talked about:

2:00 The legend of Ruuubick origin story.

9:00 Skipping final exams to hang out with Palmer in VRChat.

13:00 Spending $400 dollars without hesitation for a device that would take months to arrive.

17:00 The difference between VR and 2D screens. Are there words that can encapsulate what VR feels like?

19:00 Ruuubick’s vision of the future of VR.

20:00 Discussing the Time Magazine cover.

23:00 Struggling with the duality of virtual reality.

30:00 Ruuubick is waiting for the billion dollar VR MMO RPG game.

Check out Log Horizon. Its has more likeable characters than Sword Art Online

33:00 What does Ruuubick see himself doing in the future.

36:00 Ruuubick is coming to SVVR in 2016. How VR saved Ruuu’s life.

39:00 Social VR is asking the following question: “Where is everybody?”

42:00 How can social VR be successful?

45:00 Is VR inherently more expensive to build than legacy paradigm 3D software?

47:00 Dropping pins inside virtual worlds with the ability to comment in order to provide better feedback for developers?

50:00 Is there enough information out there for vr developers?

52:40 HTC Vive lighthouse vs. Oculus’ tracking solution.

55:00 Eye tracking allows you to see inside the souls of users through their VR avatars.

58:00 Something went wrong here with my mic. My apologies.

1:02:00 ID MCGregor’s article on Volumetric Representations.
I’ve stopped

1:05:00 That fucking dude.

1:09:00 We’re all assholes.

1:10:00 Preventing toxicity of trolling in vr communities will make or break your business.

1:16:00 Banning people from your virtual world is not an easy choice to make.

1:18:00 Social VR is about making people feel safe to be themselves.

1:20:00 How will the current social VR apps compete with the upcoming Facebook Social VR platform?

1:25:00 Looking at the bright side of the corporate takeover of VR.

1:26:00 Making sure consumers understand that VR can be used for more than just gaming.

1:28:00 Using comedy to conquer the hearts and minds of people.

1:30:00 Alien Isolation is amazing.

1:33:00 What is the formula for giving users euphoria in VR.

1:37:00 Ruuubick is hopefully coming to SVVR next year.

1:39:00 What do we get from Meatspace that VR will never provide?

1:40:00 Tourism agencies need to harness VR’s capabilities.

1:44:00 Can VR affect our every day psychology?

1:52:00 If you look good you feel good. What will evolve past human?

2:00:00 VR is removing every day life burdens and hassles. What Burdens and hassles will come from VR?

2:08:00 How would reputation based economies work out in virtual worlds?

2:15:00 Lame and un-interesting attractive people will have to adapt to VR worlds in new ways.

2:18:00 Closing thoughts.

Thanks again to Ruuubick for being a true scholar and gentleman of virtual reality and thank you for listening!

Keep in touch with Ruuubick with the links below:


Get more Enter VR content by following the twitter stream @entervr

The song at the intro was courtesy of WhiteBear. Check him out on Soundcloud! Its called Primal Stomp

virtual realitysocialvraltspacevrruuubickentervrvirtualrealitypodcastvrsocialoculushtcvivesonymorpheus

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Hello and welcome to Enter VR! On this episode, Dee from eVRyday VR drops by to philosophize and discuss the future of the final medium.

Here is a snippet of some of the things we talked about.

3:00 The 360 camera that wants to tackle consumer 360 video capturing.

6:00 The consumer 360 camera landscape.

7:10 What does the “perfect” 360 camera look like?

9:30 How will the internet of things intertwine with the advancements in computer vision?
Thanks to Brian Redband for inspiring this idea.

11:34 How long before we can stream light field videos?

12:00 How does Dee define reality? Do we have the freedom to live out the majority of our lives in VR?

15:20 Using VR as an education tool to raise awareness about Climate change. Why VR is a better education tool than what we already do or have.

18:00 Increasing your understanding of the fabric of the Universe by playing “cut the rope”.

23:00 How do you provoke questions of wonderment in a user in a virtual reality environment.

27:00 How can someone with a 9 to 5 job become involved in the virtual reality industry?

31:00 What Dee is passionate about these days. Hint: parallax

37:30 360 panoramic capturing within Unity applications. What does the let’s player of the future look like?

40:00 What will let’s plays look like 5 years from now?

45:00 The future of E-sports.

49:00 How can VR enhance the mental health of the average person?

52:00 Will VR bring about the dawn of a new class of human?

53:00 What is mental health? At what point does using become detrimental for your mental health? Can it be detrimental?

1:03:00 Having the ability to shut out shitty moments in life. What will that do to our psychology?

1:05:30 Will there be a marketplace for “Shit on your plate simulator” type experiences?

1:07:00 A new era of trolling is upon us.

1:13:00 Virtual reality and legal system. How will the law handle simulated crime?

1:18:00 How Dee curates content.

1:20:00 Dee dropped out from the PHD program at Berkeley to pursue VR.

1:23:00 Dee vs Frooxius in a Pokemon battle. Who would win?

1:25:00 Going inside of Virtual Desktop to download Dee’s demo.

Note* I did not edit this podcast in VR.

1:26:00 Dee’s favorite thing about having a Youtube channel.

1:28:00 Working with the VRChive to provide 3D lightfields.

1:34:00 Trying out a captured 360 video from Neos the Universe. Dee created a 360 video panoromic capture for Unity environments.

360 panoramic capture

1:38:00 Dee is giving away cool VR free shit and looking for a job.

1:40:00 Closing thoughts and how to stay in touch.

Thanks again to Dee for being scholar and pioneer of virtual reality. Also, thank you for listening!

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Stay in touch with Dee with the links below:!/content/38755

Intro song is Through the Fire and Flames from Dragon Force

Follow the twitter stream @entervr for extra content!


Welcome to another episode of Enter VR!Come along, as I speak with Eric Johnson the associate editor of mixed reality at Re/Code and Steve Gerhman a VR developer working on text input in virtual reality through Unreal Engine 4.

Here is a snippet of some of the things we talked about:

1:00 Intro

2:30 Eric’s rituals that get him ready for public appearances.

6:30 Getting people to overcome their everyday anxieties through VR?

7:30 Steve Joins the convo.

9:30 Do social connections need to happen organically in virtual spaces?

11:30 Vive Vs. Oculus. Which one has the best tracking solution?

14:00 Trying out the VRCADE experience at Dave and Buster’s.

17:15 The current state of the virtual reality industry according to Eric.

18:30 What needs to happen in order for VR to be successful.

19:30 How to keep people coming back to VR experiences. Do developers have to worry about the ethics of keeping people inside of VR for too long?

21:30 Which will pan out to be biggest flaw of VR in the long run…Its ability to isolate people or unknown health consequences with irresponsible use by consumers.

24:30 Why are we humans so compelled to look at screens constantly? What will come next after the screen?

27:30 Why user generated content platforms will be the killer apps of VR.

32:30 Creating music inside of virtual reality.

34:00 Injecting Deep dream into a 360 video.

34:30 Simulating an LSD experience using VR and transcranial direct current stimulation.

37:30 Dominating the world economy with a workforce powered by the coffee of the 21st century, TDCS.

39:00 The state of the wearable industry in relation to VR hmds.

40:40 If VR isn’t useful, it won’t be mainstream. Where the ultimate utility of VR really lies.

43:10 Disney World is experimenting with police state technology.

49:00 Will we ever see robot armies fighting on the behalf of billionaires?

51:30 Why Eric is not buying a Jeep. Balancing the pros and cons of self driving vehicles.

54:30 How will the sharing economy affect the capitalism we know of today? How will our concepts of property change over time.
“In the future you won’t have a job and everything will be cheap”.

57:30 How will the sharing economy morph our notions of the “American Dream”.\

1:00:30 Climate change is easier to solve than the San Francisco housing crisis. Eric’s path through journalism.

1:03:30 Eric’s biggest journalistic influences.

1:05:00 The state of tech journalism according to Eric.

1:06:00 How to balance between asking hard questions without losing your sources in journalism.

1:07:30 Eric’s feud with the Sony Morpheus team.

1:10:30 Making guesses on which platform will sell the most hmds after the first year of consumer VR.

1:13:30 Are there any Gear VR usage data? How much are people using their GearVRs?

1:20:30 Closing thoughts and how to stay in touch with Eric and Steve.

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Thanks again to Eric and Steve for being true scholars and gentlemen of virtual reality and thank you for listening.


The track you heard at the beginning is José Larralde’s – Quimey Neuquen -The Be Svendsen Edit. Thanks to Be for allowing me to play his track. Find the track on Soundclould:


Hello listeners! Welcome to a very special episode of the EnterVR podcast. On today’s show I speak Manish Gupta, James Blaha, Aaron Frank and Steve Gerhman. Come along as we discuss the future of the human species.

1:00 Catching up with James and Manish from Vivid Vision.

2:40 Catching up with Aaron Frank from Singularity University.

5:00 Why game engines are awesome.

6:00 How far are we away from being able to control thought and memory? Will VR become the human thought control interface?

8:00 Sword Art Online Spoilers start here:

11:30 Where does VR fit in, in the eventuality of us having 1 trillion connected devices?
(Read the book “What technology wants” by Kevin Kelly.

21:00 How will we deal with grieving when we can live longer than any other humans that came before us?

24:00 Discussing the universal basic income.

28:00 Finding an economic solution to climate change.

34:00 Why the universal basic income paired with the Metaverse economy will save humanity from the AI economy.

37:00 How long do we have before civilization collapses because of the AI economy?

40:00 Why the rise of AI will be bad for the human species.

46:00 What goals should we give AI? What are we suppose to do with AI once its born?

49:00 Today’s recurrent neural networks can give you the ability to do amazing things.

55:00 Ex Machina spoilers begin here.

59:00 What will the first human brain augmentations look like?

1:01:00 Discussing transcranial direct current stimulation devices.

1:05:00 How much do we know about the human brain in 2015? Discussing Opti genetics.

1:10:00 The importance of philosophy in our time. What does it mean to be free?

1:21:00 What is the likelihood of AI not killing us all?

1:26:00 What would you say to your future self of 10 years from now? Being able to record our experiences and reliving our memories in VR.

1:29:00 The business model of the first AI? Using AI for Cybercrime? What is crime?

1:34:00 What will human organization look like in the 21st century?

1:37:00 (as of June 12th 2015, TPP has been blocked by the U.S House of Representatives). How to fight back corporate interests that want suppress a free and open internet.

1:42:00 What does it mean to be a millennial? How will this generation be remembered? What is the purpose of being human?

1:48:00 How will we keep up with the pace of change as the future seems to accelerating towards us?

1:49:00 Closing thoughts and how to stay in touch.

Stay in touch with the links below:

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A stereo screenshot of what Shadows of Isolation looks like

Welcome to the EnterVR podcast! On today’s show I speak with Jake Lee High from Future Colossal. Jake is one of the creators of Shadows of Isolation, a VR experience that feels like a being inside of a dream.

Here is preview of some of the things we talked about:

1:00 What is Shadows of Isolation? What inspired it?

3:30 Jake’s first interaction with VR and what pushed him over the edge to create for the medium.

7:20 The story and context of Shadows of Isolation.

12:00 Read up on Mirakami and Neil Gailman. How their writing influenced Jake’s VR dev work.

14:00 Incorporating Hypnosis techniques in VR experiences.

16:30 Is it possible to hypnotize people through VR?

19:00 Can VR augment the level of hypnosis someone can achieve?

22:30 The ultimate goal for Shadows of Isolation. Avoiding loading screens as much as possible.

27:00 How to “curate” user generated platforms?

30:00 What motivates Jake to be a creator of things?

35:00 Where does inspiration come from for Jake?

36:00 Jake gives a preview of his secret project.

39:00 Reactions to Shadow of Isolation.

42:00 What is VR’s biggest weakness at this point?

45:00 Closing thoughts and how to stay in touch.

Thanks to Jake for being a true scholar and gentleman of virtual reality and thank you for listening.

Stay in touch with Jake with the links below:

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Hello listeners! On today’s show I speak with u/jimbo0000 and really talented technologist and friend of virtual reality. Come along as we discuss virtual reality based life forms, reputation based economies and more!

1:00 Jim is working on Rift ray. What graphics card should you get for consumer VR?

3:00 Intro

5:00 How many VR related science fictions pieces has Jim read?

6:40 Why is vr science fiction so alluring to Jim?

7:00 The first novel that got Jim hooked on VR science fiction.

8:30 What late 90’s science fiction concepts came true in today’s era?

11:00 Jim’s goal for the future?

13:00 SPOILER ALERT for Metaverse of Prime Intellect plot

Check out ” friendship is optimal”

20:00 Is Jim more optimistic or more pessimistic on the prospect of super intelligence?

21:41 What would be the most ideal “turing” test for artificial intelligence?

23:00 What is self awareness?

26:00 The question of non-human persons. Will super smart animals ever have “rights”? Today’s technology is giving us better insights into human and animal hiveminds. In vitro lab grown meat needs to reach industrial scale quantities before we start expanding rights to different animal species.

31:00 What is the best brain to computer interface?

32:00 Would you want to stop aging? What happens to humanity once something like this become available?

34:00 What is death?

35:00 Does it matter whether we live in a simulation or a multi verse?

Figuring out whether we live in a simulation will have repercussions on how we think about death and what it may mean to die.

38:00 The questions humanity will wrestle with the most in the 21st century?

40:00 Jim’s take on colonizing other planets?

42:00 The most scariest thing about technology.

45:00 What does Jim see in virtual reality?

46:00 What will be the ultimate price we could pay for virtual reality?

49:00 u/newyorknice created a really cool infographic on the future predictions. In 2025 we will have procedural story telling? Machines will create infinite narratives for us to experience?…s-from-now-until-2040

52:00 Battlefield Bad Company 2 is the greatest first person shooter ever. Jim’s take on the Battlefield franchise these days.

55:00 Discussing Soul Calibur and other fighting games.

1:00:00 What does it mean to have virtual reality only life forms?

1:03:00 Is Jim more optimistic or pessimistic about the future?

1:04:00 What will machine augmented cognition look like in the future?

1:07:00 How will the relationship between augmented and non augmented people evolve?

1:09:00 How will regulation of the VR industry look like?

1:11:00 The potential benefits of nano robot swarms?

1:13:00 The most believable fake technology Jim has read.

1:19:00 How would a reputation based economy actually work?

Relevant links:…0-per-year-32301…onal-brand-50370

1:21:00 Lighting up dog poop with fire crackers

1:23:00 What would a better future look like?

1:25:00 Closing thoughts

Thanks again for being a true friend, scholar and gentleman of virtual reality and thank you for listening.

Keep in touch with Jim by contacting him on reddit:

he’s u/jimbo000

Here are some relevant links from the our conversation:

Free Stories:…ship-is-optimal…_of_the_Nerds.html

Books on Amazon:…her/dp/1477849289

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An image with the three different models of Impression Pi offered by Usense.

Hello listeners! Welcome to the EnterVR podcast! On this episode I speak with Dr. Yue Fei, the founder of Usense, the creators of Impression Pi. Usense wants to give you AR, VR along with handtracking and positional tracking all in the same mobile computer vision enabled device. Here is a snippet of some of the things we talked about:

1:00 What is impression Pi?

2:00 Getting AR and VR from one single mobile platform.

3:10 Getting AR working on Smartphones.

4:10 Impression Pi’s hand tracking input solution.

6:20 Why is Usense going for the all in one solution? What are the challenges to this approach?

9:00 What is the field of view for Impression Pi?

11:00 How Impression Pi solved positional tracking on mobile.

14:36 What are the challenges of nailing down the lowest latency?

17:40 How will Impression Pi compete on the content front?

21:52 Will Impression Pi be compatible with WebVR?

23:00 The price and timing of the devices.

25:40 Why is VR and AR important to Dr. Fei?

28:00 Using Impression Pi to give you superpowers.

31:00 Is the HMD ushering in the development of a new era?

32:30 Closing thoughts and how to stay in touch.

Thanks again to Dr. Fei for being a true scholar and gentleman of virtual reality and thank you for listening.

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Keep in touch with the links below:

Hanging out with the Tribe VR team at SVVR

Hello and welcome to the EnterVR podcast. On today’s show I speak with Andy Tsen, the founder of Tribe. Tribe allows you to stream and watch media in virtual reality with friends and a family. Here is a snippet of some of the things we talked about:

1:00 Intro. What is Tribe?

2:30 How to deal with bandwidth constraints with connected virtual reality experiences.

6:00 What makes Tribe different from other VR social experiences?

10:00 What interfaces will be the least amount of resistance for the casual VR consumer.

12:00 How to get human facial expressions inside of VR?

16:00 Why would the average person want to watch movies in VR with friends and family?

19:00 VR is one step behind dream sharing.

22:00 What technology will come after VR?

25:00 Is humanity ready for brain to brain communication?

27:00 Final thoughts

Thanks again to Andy for being a true scholar and gentleman of virtual reality and thank you for listening!

Keep in touch with Tribe VR with the links below:


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